Sunday, April 1, 2018

Surprised a cop | Chest training | lack of discipline | keto and Ketogenic Diet

Ketogenic Diet

By: Mikael San


Ketogenic Diet

The Ketogenic Diet is also famously known as Keto Diet, which considered as a low-carb diet and LCHF (Low-carb high-fat) diet. Following the ketogenic diet is the best way to lose weight. Also, several studies prove that the keto diet can reduce the risk of heart diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Stroke, Epilepsy, and various other diseases.

The keto diet makes the body burn the fat quickly instead of carbohydrates. The carbohydrates convert into glucose and it will spread around the body, which is important for brain functioning. However, if you consume fewer carbohydrates in the diet, then the liver converts the fat into ketone bodies and fatty acids. The ketones transported into the brain and it replaces glucose as an energy supply.

When you are on a keto diet, your body goes into a metabolic condition called as ketosis. In this state, your body uses ketone bodies as an energy source instead of using glucose. The ketone bodies extracted from the fat stored in your body and these ketone bodies are more stable than glucose, and steady source of energy than glucose derived from carbohydrates.

Your body goes into ketosis condition between three days to a week, and once it is in ketosis or a metabolic condition, then the body starts using the fat as energy source, and it uses the stored body fat and the fat you consume.

When you eat high carbohydrate food, then your body will instantly produce insulin and glucose. The body converts the glucose, into energy quickly as it is the easiest molecule and definitely it is the best energy source for your body. The body produces insulin to transport the glucose into your blood stream and spread it around the body.

That is why the glucose considered as the primary energy source, and the body does not use any fat as an energy source, and therefore it stores in your body in unwanted places. By reducing the intake of carbs, the body is forced to use the fat as an energy source, and this state called as ketosis.

Ketosis is a process that naturally happens when you consume less food; the body initiates use other ways to keep you alive. When the food intake is low, the body goes into ketosis and produce ketones derived from the fats stored in your body and the liver.

Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet:

You can obtain several benefits with the ketogenic diet, including weight loss and enhance energy levels that can help you improve your therapeutic medical purposes. The best of all, you can benefit from this diet as it allows you to eat a high-fat diet and low carbs.

Weight Loss:

When you are on a ketogenic diet, your body uses fat as an energy source, which means all the store fat will be used as an energy source and the result is you lose all those extra fat from your body. Also, the insulin levels drop potentially and force your body to burn fat fast to supply the energy source. According to the reports, the ketogenic diet has shown improved results compared to high-carb and low-fat diets.

The keto diet also helps you control blood sugar and increase your mental focus.
More articles on my website below, everything about food and diet from recipes to articles!

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Officer K Craig's wife contacted Mike Rashid to surprise him with a workout. She expressed her concern with his diet and nutrition. She seen Mike changing his diet to one meal a day, and mostly vegan or plant based so she wanted him to talk about the options. They spoke on that as well as a ketog diet etc. it all boils down to discipline. Mike not only trained with Officer Craig, he also surprised him with a care pack from Gifted Nutrition. He gave him Gifted's 1316 Whey and gifteds pre workout Accelerate

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