Thursday, March 29, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - You Should Know Me By Now

Lean Trim Diana Here!

If you have been following my posts, you know by now I am dedicated to helping people get healthy, whether it is losing weight, less brain fog, more energy, better mood, and helping the body with immune boost, blood pressure and so much more. Every day, I have watched my products work and I pass the information onto you. I hope you enjoy reading about mine and others awesome results.

ROSE - I have been drinking our products using the 12 in 24 program for 5 months now. These products work differently depending on the person and the situation he or she's dealing with if you are happy , non stressed, the results are tremendous and fast. If You are stressed, dealing with negatives environment at home, at work and you have a bad eating habit on top of that, the results take time to show up. But the funny thing is even though you don't see the results with the scale, people will start noticing that you are getting slimmer and your clothes will start being too big. Whether or not the scale show you lose weight, you are gonna lose inches. You are going to feel great, light, amazing. And at a certain point 2 to 3 months, the scale becomes your best friend; you are eager to weigh yourself every weekend!

I am able to tell because I am a witness. I was introduced to our products by my husband who wanted to help me realize my dream : "to get back to the same weight I had before my 4 kids". I started to take my products the same time as one of our customer ; we didn't change our eating habits. The first week she lost 5 pounds and I didn't. The second week she lost 7 pounds and I lost 3. The third week she lost 4 pounds and I gained 3 +2 pounds and the fourth week she lost 5 more and I was stable.
But surprisingly my pants were too large and I started wearing other clothes that I couldn't put on but didn't want to let them go . My close friends also started noticing that I was losing weight even though the scale was telling me the contrary. Two of them also bought the products after seeing my transformation.
Like I said I am dealing with a lot of stress in my life at this time... but during the second month my body started to feel the pleasure of losing weight. So far I lost 20 pounds !!! I have 45 more to lose to reach my goal but I am confident !!!

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