Thursday, March 15, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - Our Energy Drink - Good Healthy Energy

Lean Trim Diana Here!

I want to give a shout out to our Natural Healthy Energy Drink! Our energy drinks have natural ingredients good for you. Read and compare our Energy drink to the energy drinks on the market today. I CHOOSE MY ENERGY DRINK, and it tastes good!

Our Energy Ingredients Benefits:
Guarana Seed
A natural energizer and natural cognitive stimulant, this natural ingredient keeps you wide eyed and bushy tailed throughout your entire day. Guarana is a staple in most energy shots (one of the few natural ingredients in them) and known to release steady natural energy through the day  with little to no crash after, it’s the obvious choice for all of you ‘Go getter’s out there.
Maqui Berry
A natural Antioxidant retaining berry that aids in prevention of free radicals in your body, shown to have THE highest concentration Antioxidants on the market to date!. Very high in Anthocyanins which are proteins helps your body to produce insulin and help to stabilize sugar levels in the body. Their anti-inflammatory properties are highly sought after in most anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen and others. The Maqui berry is one of the world’s few genuine SuperFoods!
Green Tea
Used and enjoyed throughout much of Asia and India as a powerful Antioxidant and used by rural physicians in older times to aid in taming of bad cholesterol and treat some minor heart diseases at the time.  A natural energy enhancer often used and consumed during the day to provide a natural free flowing energy that lasted most of the day and of course had no fall backs with crashes.

Gotu Kola
For thousands of years in India, China and Indonesia this plant has been used to treat wounds and heal ailments such as psoriasis and even Leprosy! Impressed yet? Gotu Kola is also used to treat stomach ulcers a variety of STD’s, mental fatigue, epilepsy, fever and even asthma. Known widely as “the fountain of life” for its many previously mentioned benefits but also as an aid in potentially prolonging life with its many cardiovascular benefits such as treating varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency (a condition where blood pools in your legs).                       

Long ago before time and history was even recorded, Maca was used to increase energy and stamina by Incan warriors in the battlefield. Being a main ingredient in most ED medication, this super root is extremely rich in Vitamins B, C and E and known to increase blood flow to key parts of the brain. Maca, a natural mood enhancer releases endorphins and raises your mood in a safe natural way unlike most other pharmaceuticals. Feeling tired or sluggish? Well maca is a great way to increase energy levels naturally and steadily as you go about your daily routine.                                        
Rhodiola Rosea
Used as a traditional medicine in Eastern Europe and Asia with a hard reputation for nerve system stimulation. Rhodiola Rosea has been used by ancient peoples to treat anything from fatigue to certain cancers with its Adaptagan as a main catalyst. Also used to battle altitude sickness and work productivity as a natural mood balancer. This plant is thought of highly in the Eurasia regions for its uses in muscle recovery such as torn muscles and strains. Loved by the forgetful community for its properties that enhance memory and brain functionality for the young and old alike.

Siberian Ginseng
An extremely popular energy tonic used in china since ancient times. Only having been recognized in the west once Russian scientist (I.I .Brekhman) realized its notable use for stress relief (1954) and increase of endurance for physical strain in the men and women who took the herb. Used to increase and enhance mental sharpness, heralded for its ability to ward off flu and cold. Adaptagen, an ingredient shown to reduce cells reaction to stress put on the body by daily upheavals that we all have to go through. Also thought to increase body productivity and aid in cardiovascular health such as reducing varicose veins which give most elderly people an increased risk for heart attack and blood clots, and we all know that’s a plus!

Energy Drinks - Red Bull, Monster, etc.:
These popular Energy drinks on the market today can have potential side effects if not consumed responsibly or as directed. The array of ingredients make the energy drinks like Red Bull, Monster, etc. more likely to produce side effects than just caffeine alone. What’s worse, the safety of energy drinks has become a major issue as consumption has increased among children and teens.
Increased blood pressure.
Heart palpitations.
Anxiety and panic attacks.
Gastrointestinal disturbance (diarrhea)
Increased urination.
Dizziness, irritability, nausea, nervousness, jitters

caffeine overdose (which can lead to a number of symptoms, including palpitations, high blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, convulsions and, in some cases, even death)
type 2 diabetes – as high consumption of caffeine reduces insulin sensitivity.

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