Sunday, March 4, 2018


Lean Trim Diana Here!

Happy Sunday!  Today I am switching gears and am happy to let you know, besides our weight loss drinks, we also have an Immune, Energy drink that are just as healthy for you and we have the Max spray for people to oxygenate your blood improving your health and last we have the K-9 spray for dogs that is like our Max spray for people. Here is the results story for the day - the K-9 Spray.

Hiilary's Dog Story - Evie is our 2 year old Female Boxer. We adopted her ( I prefer this term over “rescued” ) about 8 months ago. She came to us with a history of UTIs and head tremors. We knew that she was the right fit for our family and the missing piece to our home.
For the first 5 months we had no issues with UTIs but were experiencing monthly head tremors. Over the summer Miss Evie got a hold of too many hot dogs etc and we learned that she does in fact have a wheat allergy which we were suspecting.

This ended up causing massive yeast over growth and yeast infections breaking out everywhere in both ears.
4 paws and a UTI all at the same time... UGH!!! After her vet visit, we were sent home with antibiotic ear drops, oral antibiotics for the UTI with a probiotic supplements to counter the lost gut flora, and a special paw wash that we had to do daily for 4 weeks.
This cleared up most of the issues but we were still left with hot spots on 2 of her 4 paws and I was sooooo done with the daily task of taking her in the shower with me to wash her paws for 20 minutes😜
This is when K-9 came to the rescue!!!!
I started spraying 4 sprays twice a day directly into her mouth and topically on the remaining hot spots. In less than a week they were all cleared up wahoooo!
Other Bonuses we have noticed this past month is less stinky boxer farts and solid poop (which is a really big deal for a boxer) and she has had no head tremors this month.
Her anxiety has lessened, and she can now go play at a local doggy daycare. If Evie could talk she would say THANK YOU! She comes running over when she hears me spray my to get Max to get her K-9 spray, so I know it's making her feel better.

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