Wednesday, March 21, 2018

WEIGHT LOSS COFFEE - How is your Blood Pressure!

Lean Trim Diana Here!

First I want to say we don't make any medical claims, we tell our stories.
How many people are on high blood pressure medications. 

Googled: In the United States, about 77.9 million (1 out of every 3) adults have high blood pressure. Among adults age 20 and older in the United States, the following have high blood pressure: - For non-Hispanic whites, 33.4 percent of men and 30.7 percent of women.

My blood pressure results(Sorry I didn't think to take pictures like Nancy.) Went to doctor in February 2018. Blood pressure high. It was something like 182/93. Doc says too high, lets give you meds. Told her, don't want meds what to do instead. Also my kidney count was a little down and my potassium was high. So I've lost more weight on drinking our weight loss coffee, cocoa and keto creamer (8 lbs, now 25lbs down), continued to watch my salt intake and processed foods and started taking our Max spray following the instructions to take the Max (always kept forgetting). Went to the doctor March 14, 2018. Hurray! my blood pressure down, 142/80, my kidneys are ok, my potassium ok, still working on my salt, just a little high. I don't add salt to anything, but I am watching salt ingredients in foods. My point is "I don't have to go on blood pressure meds!!! I attribute to my better health consistently using our products! Big difference. I am supposed to watch it and see doc in 6 months.

Here is Nancy's story:
“Less than 2 months after using the products! I’m hoping to be off my blood pressure meds soon” 
(Our Products is all she did different - just found out Nancy is drinking our coffee, the Trim, and using the Max spray:)

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