Monday, March 5, 2018

The Truth About Cancer (A Look Back) Charity Gala & Award Ceremony

The whole The Truth About Cancer heroes, family and friends met for the third time for the annual The Truth About Cancer Charity Gala & Award Ceremony 2017.

This year G. Edward Griffin, filmmaker and author of “The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve” was awarded with a Lifetime Achievement Award ~ Renaissance in Truth and Light.

This year The Truth About Cancer donated $50,000 to these cancer charities:
- The Imperial Cancer Research Fund, a cancer research organization, Healing Strong, a cancer resource organization who connects, support and educates individuals treating cancer with natural strategies, - The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation , who is preserving, promoting and propagating Dr. Gonzalez's legacy of cancer healing,
- Cancer Crackdown , which helps cancer fighters take their battle with cancer to the next level,
- Paws for Change Foundation by Rodney Habib who furthers education and research in the areas of animal nutrition and natural healing for animals.
Each received $10,000 from The Truth About Cancer.
Another two fundations which received donations of $20,000 from The Truth About Vaccines were Children's Medical Safety Research Institute and National Vaccine Information Center.
Watch the video for all highlights of the 3rd The Truth About Cancer Charity Gala & Award Ceremony 2017. Thank you for all your support!


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