Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Truth About Cancer-Dr. Patrick Quillin at The Truth About Cancer Ultimate Live Symposium and Septated Ovarian Cyst - Common Causes, Symptoms And Natural Cure

The truth about cancer

Septated Ovarian Cyst - Common Causes, Symptoms And Natural Cure

By: Ted Levan


A septated ovarian cyst is a combination of solid and liquid substances. If left untreated, these types of cysts can become quite dangerous to women’s health, and they often cause patients to feel very uncomfortable and can also cause a great deal of abdominal pain.

The good news is that the detection of a septated ovarian cyst is quite easy for doctors to perform during your regular check-up. To help your doctor with the diagnosis please ensure that you inform her of all the symptoms that you are experiencing including the abdominal discomfort and pain.

There are various forms of septated ovarian cysts that cause the symptom of abdominal discomfort. The most common of these are:
  • Dermoid cysts
  • Endometrionoma
  • Cystadenomas
The first of these, Dermoid cysts, are formed in the eggs in the ovaries. With this form of septated ovarian cyst, the cyst can resemble the form of a foetus, depending on size. Thankfully, this is not a cancerous cyst and can be treated using natural ovarian cyst treatment methods. More on that later.

The second form, Endometrionoma, is often found actually outside the uterus. Due to this circumstance, this form tends to be the most dangerous of septated ovarian cysts, as it can cause other health complications due to its location. If your doctor identifies you to have this type, it should be treated as quickly as possible. This is why it is important to see your doctor when you experience prolonged abdominal pain.

Cystadenomas, the third type of cyst that we will discuss in this article is made up of liquid and mucus. These grow to a larger size than the other previously mentioned types of cysts due to their predominantly liquid contents. This larger size of the cyst often leads to more extreme and concentrated pain than the other two types of cysts.

I am also glad to say that this septated ovarian cyst is not often cancerous and can be successfully treated by natural means including but not limited to
  • increasing fiber and water intake,
  • vitamins,
  • herbs and
  • following certain diets
Unfortunately, no-one has yet discovered what causes these three forms of septated ovarian cysts to occur. Some commentators have highlighted some factors which they think could contribute to developing these cysts, such as genetic make up, having a weakened immune system and being overweight.

According to the established knowledge in the medical profession surgery is the best treatment to have as this ensures that the cyst can be fully removed. There are also other ways to treat septated ovarian cysts, but the treatments vary according to what form of cyst you have and how severe or large they are.

It is worth remembering that the traditional medical treatments for these cysts comprise of just tackling the symptoms and not necessarily ensuring that the septated ovarian cyst does not return.

And it is to fill this gap in the traditional medical approach to the treatment of ovarian cysts that alternative and very efficient treatments have developed in recent years.

The holistic system is a more natural treatment that attempts to treat septated ovarian cysts by trying to understand the cause of the disease in the individual. It considering what factors in the individual’s life may have influenced the development of the cysts and makes suggestions of changes that can be made to stop future cysts from forming.

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