Friday, March 30, 2018

CoachTube-How to Create a Culture for Your Football Team

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE WHOLE THING: Learn how college football coach Joe Klanderman creates the right culture on his team. In The Ultimate Linebacker Training, coach Joe Klanderman shares firsthand the methods that have provided a great deal of success for the defensive line of the Minnesota State Mavericks. This coaching course details the basic attributes that coaches should look for in their linebackers, as well as details the six areas that should be the focal points of a systematic teaching progression for developing linebackers. These coaching videos also feature a series of game-tested practice drills for enhancing the performance level of linebackers. These drills are designed to enable coaches to accomplish specific, targeted objectives on the field—where it counts. Among the topics covered: Characteristics of a linebacker Teaching progression Drill work Initial-footwork drills Key-reads drills Block-destruction drills Tackling drills Movement drills Pass-Rush drills CLICK HERE TO GET THE WHOLE COURSE:
Coach Credentials
Joe Klanderman is the defensive coordinator for Minnesota State University in Mankato, Minnesota.

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