Friday, February 16, 2018

VALENTUS - Another Fantastic Story of Prevail Max Spray

Lean Trim Diana Here!

Happy Friday!

Wanting to share Sherri's great story about her daughter and the Prevail Max Spray. We make no medical claims.

As many of you know my daughter has Rheumatoid arthritis and has a compromised immune system. After a over seas trip she got very sick, after a short hospital stay, many tests and feeling more and more sick she tested positive for ESBL Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase. ..Add to that she ended up with Pneumonia, she was really sick, not eating much and so weak she was pretty much in bed.
I had given her some Max but she had hesitated for a bit because she has to be careful what she uses. Then one day she called, she had tried one squirt then a couple more and then full strength. Within a very short time we noticed she was perking up, she was hungry and get appetite was back, her breathing improved and she had some energy after weeks of none. The MAX was the only difference. What she is finding now is that her body is fighting on its own and at the first sign of anything she bumps it up a couple extra squirts. She is now a believer and is using it everyday.
Max gave my daughter her life back.

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