Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Truth About Cancer Interview with Ty Bollinger & Doc Nuzum on Multivitamins

Watch this video[below] to find out the truth about vitamin and mineral deficiencies that could be damaging your health and vitality right now. And read more here: Did you know that over the years, the soil our food is grown in has been depleted of nutrients by modern farming practices? It’s also been tainted by pesticides and pollutants. And because of that, most of the foods we eat don’t contain the vital minerals and vitamins that our bodies need to function properly. That’s why it’s so important to take a quality multivitamin daily. A good multivitamin fills the gaps in your nutrition and helps you live a healthier life full of energy and vitality. Not only that, adding a multivitamin has also been shown to help support healthy aging and help correct nutritional deficiencies caused by prescription drugs. Though the trick is, how do you find a quality multivitamin that your body can actually absorb? In this interview Ty Bollinger did with Dr. Nuzum, you’ll discover what the differences are between a true multivitamin and ones that are simply made to sell for profit. At the 1:43 mark, you’re going to be very interested in hearing about a story one of his patients told him regarding store-bought multivitamins. Please be sure to share this with your family and friends on Facebook and Pinterest and let me know what you think in the comments section below the video. Enjoy the powerful health benefits you deserve from your multi-vitamin and order your Multi-Vita-Maxx today:

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