Saturday, February 3, 2018

Residents Volunteer to Translate for Police

Some bilingual Irving residents who have completed the Citizen Police Academy are volunteering to help officers translate. The service can help officers get better information, and make Spanish-speaking people feel more comfortable while interacting with police. Sign up for the Citizen Police Academy:

About Irving Police

CJC at night
Located between Dallas and Fort Worth, Irving is the home to numerous national and world headquarters for major corporations. Irving is accessible via four major state and interstate highways.

The Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport also borders our west city limit. With a population of 227,000, our infrastructure is supported by a broad tax base.

The 542 employees of the Irving Police Department are committed to the philosophy of community-based policing and providing the best possible service to the citizens of Irving.

Mission Statement

Deliver exceptional services and promote a high quality of life for residents, visitors, and businesses.

Our Vision
Irving will be the model for safe and beautiful neighborhoods; a vibrant economy; and exceptional recreational, cultural, and educational opportunities.
We Value
  • Accountability
  • Commitment
  • Compassion
  • Innovation
  • Integrity 

  • Leadership
  • Service
  • Teamwork
  • Trust
Key Strategies
  • Decrease crime and disorder through proactive approaches
  • Build effective community partnerships
  • Increase operational efficiency
  • Improve motorist safety

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