Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Dr. Joyce Meyer Featuring: Joyce to Go - Keys to Happiness and Let the Holy Spirit Take You from "Doing" to "Being"

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Daily Devo

Let the Holy Spirit Take You from "Doing" to "Being"

I remember when I was a born-again Christian who was actively involved in church life, but I was not getting victory over my problems. I thought that if I acted like a Christian and looked like I had my act together, I would be happy. But doing the right thing wasn’t enough. I needed a change on the inside.
Acts 1:8 speaks of receiving God's power to be His witnesses. Notice it does not say to do witnessing but to be witnesses. Doing is a different thing than being. I had my outside polished up, but my inner life was a wreck. Quite often the inner turmoil exploded, and then everybody could see I wasn't quite what I appeared to be.
Thankfully, I came to the point where I was desperate for a move of God in my life and knew there had to be more than what I had experienced in my relationship with Him. As I cried out to Him in prayer for help, He touched my life in a powerful way, and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit gave me a real love for God and His Word like never before. Now, I was no longer faking it.
I encourage you to receive this same Holy Spirit power. Let Him take you from “doing” to “being.” 

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