Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Police officer fitness test and Physical Fitness and Police Work Together

This is a video of a journalist from Asian Image undertaking a fitness bleep test induction at the Lancashire Police headquarters in Hutton, Lancashire as part of the force's police officer recruitment campaign in January 2018.

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 Physical Fitness and Police Work Together

By: Jesse Regan


Anyone must have tried playing cops-and-robbers in their childhood, a game that certainly requires so much chasing and even tackling. The main goal of the game is to catch the kid playing the role of the robber or any other criminal. That is all child’s play, of course. However, they do have similarities with the real thing. Although sometimes this no longer happens, expectations on the police being able to chase and immobilize a suspect and have him prosecuted in court are still high. Hence, people also expect them to be physically fit so they could perform their tasks.

Unfortunately, there are quite a number of active duty cops in cities who are obese and unable to run several yards enough to overtake a suspect from the scene of the crime. In most cases, the cop roles played by the stars on TV are only ones that always have the fit physique. In fact, donut shop fat cops images are fast becoming stereotypes instead of those with the regular or athletic build. These cops with huge waistlines certainly do get the approval of the public as much as their leaner counterparts do.

Police work requires much preparedness in the physical department. This means that a police officer must have the physical fitness level that would enable him to do his strenuous job effectively aside from the mentally draining investigative work. When all evidences point to a single suspect, the next thing that could happen is probably a long chase, which could even become violent confrontation prompting an officer to use his physical abilities.

Even before one becomes a full-pledged officer, he undergoes a lot of physical fitness training in the academy. The aim, of course, is to have him prepared for a physically demanding job ahead of him. He develops his muscle and strength by lifting weights and to run miles for speed and staying power, both vital element in apprehending a suspect successfully. Besides, the strength and flexibility they acquire are important once they take courses in the martial arts and other similar activities.

Maintaining physical fitness, however, becomes more difficult when an officer is already in active duty. After the police academy, many officers can hardly find time to go to the gym for regular workouts. Yet, they do know how important physical fitness is to their bodies as well as to their mental and emotional state. They do believe that a fit body also positively affects one’s total well-being.

When a police force has men and women who are conscious in maintaining fit figures, the public trust can also rise much higher. The absence of overweight members in the corps certainly tells of its discipline and integrity. Hence, police commanders should always make it a point to encourage their men to spend time for workouts. The fit physique that they will get and maintain will also give them honor just as their badges did with them.

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