Saturday, January 27, 2018

More Black Cops Are Saying Community Control of the Police is the Answer

TRNN talks to Black law enforcement including a Baltimore police chief as well as local leaders over the growing calls for communities to govern the police that serves them Visit for more stories and help support our work by donating at

"The question we settle in an election is not whether elites shall rule, but which elite shall rule," said conservative pundit George Will on ABC's This Week.
That's why we need daily television news that reports with ordinary people’s interests in mind. The Real News is such a network; it’s the missing link in the global media landscape.
The Real News Network (TRNN) is a non-profit, viewer-supported daily video-news and documentary service. We don’t accept advertising, and we don’t accept government or corporate funding. TRNN is sustained by viewer donations and earned revenue.
Since 2007, we have produced more than 7,000 stories that have been viewed more than 100 million times. The next phase of development is the move to television. We will compete with cable news for an audience in the millions.

What's News and Who's a Newsmaker?

Our perspective on reporting the news is guided by an editorial approach that seeks facts and doesn’t bow to pressure. In everything we produce, we ask:
What’s news? We cover the big stories of the day, but we broaden the definition of what’s important: the movements for working peoples’ rights, for peace, for the health of our planet, and against racism – are news.
Who’s a newsmaker? We don’t just cover people in high office or limit news to the partisan horse race for power. We think that people who fight for human rights and work for solutions are newsmakers.
What matters to a mass audience? We combine sizzle with substance, understanding that craft and entertainment values are critical to winning a large audience. We strive to answer the questions: “Why is this happening to me?” and “What can I do about it?”. TRNN programming provides facts and context to help people advance their interests.
What is the real debate? Our debate is fact-based and witty, resisting talking points and narrow partisanship. We question underlying assumptions and search for solutions.
Are we objective in method and transparent in presentation? We all have interests. This affects the facts we consider important and the sources we decide to trust. TRNN strives to delve into the complexity of issues and base our journalism on verifiable evidence. We work at being transparent and providing ways for viewers to question, debate, and criticize our work.
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