Sunday, January 14, 2018

Another Amazing Transformation 75 lb Fat Loss Journey

75 lb Fat Loss Journey
What an inspiration Rob is dropping 75 lbs of fat and taking his life back!! Rob went from a near death health experience to getting in the best shape of his life in under a year.  This is what it looks like to take control of your life and to start living again!!
Starting Weight– 263 lbs
Starting Stomach– 51″
Starting Body Fat%-38.70%
Final Weight -( 8.5 months later) – 198.4 (75 lbs lost in fat)
Final Stomach– 36 1/2″
Final Body Fat%– 13.89%

Rob’s Story
In early February 2017 I had an incident with my blood pressure while on vacation in Mexico.  I had been suffering from high blood pressure along with chronic depression, pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, and acid reflux. Most of this being caused by obesity.  While on this vacation, my blood pressure spiked so badly that my vision was blurred and I couldn’t keep my balance to walk.
After getting some meds and getting my BP back down, my wife decided enough was enough and I had to make a change.  She was already planning on signing up for an online program with Hitch Fit when we returned home.  She pretty much insisted that I was doing the same.
We had been going to a trainer at a large corporate gym for almost 11 months and my weight had actually increased during that process.

We signed up for Hitch Fit while still in our hotel room and scheduled our consultations.  We were set to go together and due to a scheduling conflict I had to postpone.  Anissa went alone and without me knowing, she had an emotional conversation with Micah and Diana regarding how scared she was for my health.  Micah simply stated “I’ve got this”.  Little did I know … he REALLY did!
I met with Micah a few days later.  I had known Micah socially for a year or two.  I had no idea what I was walking into.  He was very direct; kind yet blunt.  He said I was the funny fat guy everyone loved but if I didn’t make changes I wouldn’t be around much longer.  He was right.  My health was declining faster than I realized.  Right then and there I decided I wasn’t going to only do the online program, I was going to quit working with my other personal trainer and do two one-on-one sessions per week with Micah.

On February 21st, I walked into Hitch Fit thinking it’d be an easy workout to assess my fitness level …. WRONG!  Micah pretty much challenged me to the breaking point for 60 minutes.  At the end of the session he said “that’ll be the easiest workout you’ll ever have here.”  I was petrified when I went back for my 2nd session, but told Micah my transformation was going to be so great that they’d hang a big poster of me in the gym.  He simply stated ok, then let’s get to work!
From that moment on I knew he BELIEVED in me, much more than I believed in myself.  I put my transformation into his hands and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done for myself.  It became extremely addictive very quickly.  Early on in my transformation, I was in such bad shape I couldn’t do much more than 30 minutes of cardio at a time.  However, I thrived during the one-on-one sessions with Micah.  I knew he was breaking me down to build me back up, and it was awesome.

Within weeks I could see the transformation taking place.  My weight was dropping quickly.  I scheduled frequent appointments with my doctor to assess getting of all of my medications.  Within the first month, I was taken off ALL of my medications and it was completely attributed to the drastic change in my nutrition and fitness level.
Within the first eight weeks I knew I wanted to do more than the initial 16 weeks we agreed upon.  I wanted to get to a really good place.  Which eventually led me to where I am today on my way to a great place!

I finished round one after 16 weeks with 50 pounds less fat and much, much stronger and healthier than I had been in decades.
Anissa and I kept going to Micah and Diana for one-on-one personal training through the summer and in late summer decided we needed to buckle down and set a date to officially end our transformations.  We set November 10th as our date for our “after” photos.  That day will remain as one of the greatest days of my life.  The 12 weeks leading up to it were amazing.  The workouts were intense, the diet was strict, and we were laser focused.  I finished with over 75 pounds less fat and 9 more pounds of muscle than when I began the program.  I lost 14.5 inches off my waist through the 8 ½ months.  I do things now that I never dreamed of.  Hitch Fit for me can be summed up in 2 words:  Life Saving!

My next goal is to get my health and fitness to a GREAT place and am currently doing another 12 week session.  I plan on competing in a WBFF show in the Fall of 2018 in the Transformation category.
I owe my life to Micah and  Diana and the village they have created.  I’ve made lifelong friends along the way, some of whom I may never meet face to face.  That’s how Hitch Fit works.  I’ve been blessed to share my journey and consequently have inspired others to take charge of their lives by starting their own transformation.
BELIEVE, which Micah did in me. TRANSFORM, which Micah helped me do.  INSPIRE, which I plan on doing the rest of my life to pay back the blessing of being Hitch Fit for life!

Program Choice: Weight Loss Plus
Add to Cart Button 24 Weeks

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