Thursday, December 28, 2017

(Metropolitan Police) Conducting an arrest and Smart Police Exam Tactics

Keeping the streets safe for the public is just one of the many ways you can be there for London as a volunteer police officer. To find out more about the extensive training you could receive please watch this video and visit to apply. NB: During your training you will be trained on how to risk assess situations which you may encounter whilst carrying out your duty as a special constable. This video depicts just a sample of a potential situation. Whilst factually accurate, the video has been edited for creative purposes.

Smart Police Exam Tactics

I want to share with you some Smart police exam tactics. There are a lot of people out there that go into this exam and fail it. It is estimated that over 70% of people will fail this test because ...

I want to share with you some Smart police exam tactics. There are a lot of people out there that go into this exam and fail it. It is estimated that over 70% of people will fail this test because they are unprepared for the types of questions they get. A lot of people assume that this is going to be like in exam they had in high school. This couldn't be further from the truth because recruiters aren't interested in measuring your aptitude or anything along those lines. They want to make sure that if you're given a gun you can do your job properly. You are a public servant and a half to do things a certain way, so they need to make sure you take a hard exam and pass. I am going to share with you some Smart police exam tactics that you can use.
The first thing that I tell people is that when they go into the exam they sit near the front. The reason this advice is smart is that you don't have to see hundreds of other people. If you're sitting closer to the back you're going to see 100 other people in front of you. This can be quite intimidating for most people because this exam was a lot of pressure on you. The last thing you need is more pressure when you're writing the exam.
Another Smart police exam tactics is to make sure that you read each question carefully. I know this sounds like obvious advice, but people will have a tendency of scanning over questions rather than reading them. For the most part you'll understand the question, but for some you're going to get the wrong idea. Take the time to read the question and fully understand it.

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