Thursday, November 16, 2017

4 Essentials For Knee Protection

Hey There Athletes and Warriors!
It certainly looks like over the years of fitness hype and dramatic weight loss transformations that injury prevention and even recovery have been pushed to the back of the line as the industry is more focused on attaining a certain 'look' as opposed to helping people function better. 
The good news is that you can have both. A ripped, lean strong looking physique and one that actually can perform better than it looks. By applying a few simple principles  like the ones that Heather from Hitchfit shares below. Click here to contact them to start your complete program today!
-Coach Nate
Active lifestyles require a delicate balance of push and pull when it comes to working the muscles and joints in our bodies. Maintaining healthy knees, specifically, is a must for those who lead a particularly active life, especially those of us in pursuit of that happy, healthy fitness style. Knees can easily get achy and possibly swell up after certain types of activity. Knee pain and swelling can be a result of cartilage damage, weak feet, or even injured hips. While the following tips certainly cannot cure these issues, they can definitely help ease the pain from them, and hopefully help strengthen and rebuild in order to allow the body to heal.
  1. Joint Juice

    No, this is not a product we’re referencing here! Joints need their circulation, and therapeutic heat can actually boost that, letting the join move freely without rough rubbing against other muscles and cartilage. Before a workout, consider applying a heat wrap for 20 or 30 minutes to loosen up your knees. Increasing the circulation not only helps with the increased mobility, but also assists in accelerating healing processes and pain relief.
  2. Strengthen Your Foundation

    Strong muscles are the key to holding your bones and joints in place. Toned quadriceps, tight glutes, and a solid core are three specific ways to help your knees remain healthy. Resistance training is a fantastic way to gain these shapely muscles, contributing not only to your physical size and shape, but the health of your knees as well! Additionally, stable ankles help prevent knee compression, and can be strengthened by maximizing standing exercises. One way you can accomplish this is by lifting the inner arches of your feet, while pressing the outer arches to the floor. With a strong foundation, your knees will be required to work much less, decreasing your chances of pain and inflammation.

  3. Cool It Down

    In addition to applying heat pre-workout, cooling the knees down after a workout is a natural and effective way to calm inflammation, decrease muscle spasms, and reduce generalized knee pain. Simply apply an ice pack for about 20 minutes post-workout. If you need to, use a thin towel in between the joint and the ice pack to avoid any cold damage to your skin.
  4. Active Rest

    This under-appreciated fitness tip is essential for keeping your joints healthy. After a particularly intense workout, your joints and muscles will benefit significantly from a low-impact activity. Try riding a bike, utilizing a rowing machine, or swimming laps on an active rest day. Less strenuous yoga posts are also an excellent option that provides a chance to slow down and breathe. This not only helps your body and mind relax, but assists in bringing much-needed oxygen to the muscles and joints through a focus on breathing through the stretches.
If you need specific exercises, or are on the hunt for a specified fitness plan, check out our online personal training programs! We are here to help you become the best version of yourself, through health and fitness.

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