Sunday, October 29, 2017

Family Man Shows Us How To Get Ripped

Weight Loss for Men - Fitness Model Six Pack Abs Plan
Very excited to share with you Mark’s Transformation Story.  In 16 weeks he totally transformed his life and body.  This Family Guy Shows You You How To Get Ripped.  What an inspiration he is to many.  Over 7 years ago his wife Ashley went through a Hitch Fit transformation and is still in great shape.
Marks Results – He Dropped 27 lbs, 5 1/2″ Off His Stomach and Over 13% Body Fat
Day 1 – Weight 214 lbs, Stomach 39″, Body fat% 22.55%
Final Numbers – Weight 187, Stomach 33 1/2″, Body Fat% 9.42%
So Mark Dropped
I am Mark and very soon I’ll be celebrating my 40th birthday.  I have four wonderful children and a very beautiful wife.  In 2009 after giving birth to our fourth child, my wife wasn’t happy with all of the baby fat.  She came to me with this idea about going to see a personal trainer at a new gym called Hitch Fit. I was hesitant with this idea because of the money we were going to spend but we worked through it and we both lost weight.  At that time I was in a position at work where I was always working and it seemed like I never had time for anything else.  I started gaining weight around my mid-section because I was not working out, not running and eating fast food all the time.  Just about two years ago I transferred to a more family friendly schedule and was able to work out and run all the time.  I went from benching 150 (yes, I know that is sad) to benching 250. I was getting stronger but since I was still eating fast food I kept gaining the inches around my waist.  I knew I needed to do something because whenever I looked in the mirror I saw the dreaded “love handles”.
Flab to ABS - Weight Loss Plan for Men
My family has a whole lot of family health issues.  One day before I turned 30, my dad told me I was a spitting image of him until he turned 30 and that’s when he started gaining weight.  Now he’s obese and has several health issues.  He told me that was when I will start to gain weight and he wasn’t lying… Last summer we went to see my dad and at one point he looked at me and said I was looking big.  He said when you turn 40 you will get fat like me.  A couple weeks later we went on a float trip and someone had taken a picture of me, I noticed I was looking the worst I’ve ever been.   I weighed 219.8 pounds, I’ve always told myself I would never be over 220.
Weight Loss for Men - Before and After Weight loss
I knew I needed to do something…. I started eating healthier and lost 8 pounds in 8 weeks but I was not eating enough.  I was always tired and I didn’t have enough energy for anything.  In September, my wife and I went to a festival where she saw Micah and Diana, the owners of Hitch Fit. The next day my wife was texting all day.  I returned home from softball later that night and she said she had a surprise.  She was going to make me wait until Christmas but she was too excited for me to wait.  She told me she purchased the Hitch Fit program for me and I was going to start in November.  I looked at her with excitement but also with fear…  I was excited because I was still far from where I wanted to be but the fear of failing.   I asked her if I could start sooner and the next morning she set it up and I started my Hitch Fit program on October 3rd, 2016.
Before and After Weight Loss for Men
When I saw Micah for the first time and he did all my measurements, I was in shock with my waist and my body fat percentage.  Micah told me the steps my body would take and said it would take me 16 weeks.  I thought to myself “oh crap, 16 weeks of eating healthy and working out, I can’t do this.”  Oh by the way he was spot on with everything he said!!!  The first several days I was “hangry” like my kids would say.  During this transformation my kids asked how long I would be doing this diet.  I quickly corrected them and now they call it a “healthy way of living.” There was a lot of praying involved with this transformation, for the Good Lord to make me stronger and give me the strength to get through these 16 weeks.  In 16 weeks I dropped several inches and am now able to wear my very first uniform that I wore in 2001. That was worth every penny I spent on this transformation.  I may be done with the program but I will never be done with this healthy way of living.

Six Pack Abs Plan for Men
Flab to Abs - Weight Loss for Men 

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