Monday, October 23, 2017


chris mackenzie diet
You hear a lot of companies say it: “We don’t just sell [insert product here]. We live it.” Well, here at BPI Sports, it’s actually true. The reason we’re so passionate about fitness, and supplements, and helping people reach their goals is that it’s a huge part of all of our lives. We’re doing the workouts we give you, we’re following the meal plans, we’re taking the supplements and we’re doing it all because we want to reach our own goals.
Our Senior VP of Sales, Chris MacKenzie, is a perfect example. On September 30, he stepped on stage at the American Natural Bodybuilding Federation’s Unaltered Sunshine State show and won the Overall and Masters Overall. Now, this would be impressive no matter what, but a key detail to this story you might be missing is that Chris is 45! You don’t get a body like his, at his age, without a serious commitment to fitness, nutrition and a regular supplement regimen.

Lucky for all you readers, we got a sneak peek at exactly what a day as Chris looks like. Below is an example of one day’s meals, supplements and workouts:
5:30 am1 serving Keto Aminos50540
                                                                  Morning Fasted Cardio
7:45 am“Magic Pancake”
-5 egg whites
-1/4 scoop oats
-1 Tbsp. flax/chia seed mix
-1/4 scoop Whey HD
1 tsp peanut butter36690
10:00 am½ lb. mixed ground beef and ground turkey4066238
Plain Greek yogurt15100100
¼ cup almonds4513153
12:30 pm2 scoops ISO HD4064220
¼ cup almonds4513153
1 scoop CLA + Carnitine00218
2:00 pm1 serving Green Tea + Beetroot + Fiber + MCTs04234
3:30 pm½ lb. mixed ground beef and ground turkey4066238
3 hardboiled eggs120048
¼ cup almonds4513153
6:00 pm1 Tbsp. peanut butter on a rice cake4128136
1 serving Best Pre Workout00440
1 serving Best Creatine Defined (intra workout)0000
8:00 pm2 dried pineapple rings020080
6 egg whites, 1 whole egg, scrambled2802130
1 scoop Best BCAA Shredded2.5000
10:00 pm1 scoop Whey HD2233127
1 serving Garcinia + Carnitine0000
Grams Totals264.511493.5n/a
Calorie Totals1058456841.52324.5
There you have it. If you want results like Chris, start with a disciplined diet, supplement regimen and training schedule.
For more proof of BPI employees practicing what we preach, check out these articles on Lauren Bordelon and Erika Otero.
keto aminos fasted cardio
All readers are advised to consult their physician before beginning any exercise and nutrition program. BPI Sports and the contributors do not accept any responsibility for injury sustained as a result of following the advice or suggestions contained within the content.

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