Saturday, August 5, 2017

Six Pack Abs Plan for Moms

Six Pack Abs Plan for Moms
Six Pack Abs Plan for Moms
Six Pack Abs Plan for Moms

I’m so happy to share Ana’s transformation story today! This is one that the mom’s out there are going to understand and relate to. After giving birth to her beautiful baby girl she had lost some weight, 10 pounds in fact, but was still not happy or confident with her body. She found Hitch Fit and after reading through many reviews she decided to give us a try! I’m so glad that she did, because Ana was such a pleasure to work with! She was diligent and even inspired her family members to start the transformation process themselves! She really rocked this transformation with the Hitch Fit Bikini Body Plan! I love seeing that healthy, fit and confident smile! Way to go Ana!
Ana’s Stats: 
Starting weight: 140
Ending weight: 110
Starting body fat: 25%
Ending body fat: 11%

Bikini Body Nutrition and Training Plan for Moms

Ana’s Story:
Hitch Fit changed my life and that is not an over-exaggeration!
Hitch Fit, led by Micah and Diana LaCerte , are specialists in helping you transform your body.  Body transformations are not just about weight loss.  I had lost 10 lbs on my own, but was still unhappy with how I looked and certainly did not look great in a bikini or felt confident in many different types of clothes.
What I came to realize with the help of Diana is that I have complete control over what food I choose to fuel my body with and how the right foods (nutrition), along with training with weights can truly transform your body.
I had just had a baby girl and was really having a hard time coming to terms with my new “mommy body” I was searching the internet when I came across Hitch. Fit, after reading all the positive reviews and incredible transformations I decided “why not”
Diana was so supportive from day one, she customized a plan just for me and it was easy to follow
This lady is incredible she really cares about her clients and is always there to give encouragement and NO judgement, LOVE this lady!
Anyone can achieve this type of transformation.  No excuses, no “ifs”., no “buts”.
Follow the nutrition and training plan provided for you and you WILL see the results!
My body confidence has certainly zoomed up a hundred notches.
I am stronger, fitter, healthier, have more energy and that helps immensely being a mum.
I was able to totally transform my body with the guidance, support, coaching and training and nutrition plan that Hitch Fit provided for me.
Hitch Fit has given me a whole new outlook on life and what is truly possible and achievable!  Now I’m looking forward to my next set of goals to achieve.
Thank You Diana, from the bottom of my heart.
I love myself, my new lifestyle of health and fitness and being a great role model for my children and others around me.

Program Choice: Bikini Model
Add to Cart Button 12 Weeks
Add to Cart 16-Weeks

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