Thursday, June 1, 2017

I'm Baaaaack!

Good Day Athletes and Warriors!
First keep reading this blog daily and you will understand that whether you are practicing as an athlete or warrior, you are equally important in the grand scheme of things so don't worry as no matter who and where you are, you are practicing one or the other. Okay?

Sorry for the delay in rappin with my peeps out there. Lots of cool stuff going on let me give you an update.

US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning is rocking! I am so humbled being able to help thousands of athletes and warriors all over the world. I am hardly a celebrity trainer, but a dedicated teacher and coach who has your fitness, and performance success as top priority.

All of you are invited to join me on my new Radio Show: "Under The Helmet" as God has hooked me up with the good folks of the WDFL (World Developmental Football League).
It's another way that I can bless all Athletes and Warriors with the good information and people to help inform, educate, inspire, while entertaining you.  So its not just another sports show. I will take your questions and comments on the League Facebook Page here.

Bunches of cool info on the way today and everyday. Feel free to comment below. Time to rock and change the world much like Superman and Wonder Woman!

Image result for Jacked Superman With Wonder Woman

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