Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Fitness Model Body Plan

Fitness Model Body Plan
Fitness Model Body Plan
Ashley got a gorgeous set of six pack abs with Hitch Fit Fitness Model Body Plan!
I am so proud of today’s Fitness Model transformation Ashley! She was always active and involved in sports, but was not making the best eating choices, and wasn’t happy with the condition of her body. She tackled the Hitch Fit Fitness Model Plan and discovered how to fuel her body and create new daily habits that completely transformed the way she looks, helped her achieve her goals, and wow, look at those gorgeous six pack abs! Congratulations Ashley on an amazing job!! Really proud of your hard work, discipline and dedication. It sure has paid off!
Ashley’s Stats: 
Starting weight: 140
Ending weight: 116
Starting body fat: 25%
Ending body fat: 12%
Ashley’s Before and After Fitness Model Pictures: 
Fitness Model Body Plan
Fitness Abs Diet Plan for Women
Before and After Fitness Model Body Plan
Ashley’s Story: 
I have always led an active lifestyle ever since I was young, playing competitive sports, including softball and basketball.  I stopped playing competitive sports after high school when I went to college.  My freshman year of college was when I started slowly gaining weight.  I went back and forth for several years, gaining weight, and then losing the weight.  It was during this time when I picked up running.  I started entering races, completing 5ks, half marathons, and marathons.  Strength training was something I always thought about, but always put off and told myself I’d start ‘one of these days’  Although I stayed pretty consistent with running, I wasn’t consistent with my nutrition and eating habits.
When I decided to start my Hitch Fit Fitness Model program, I wasn’t making the best food and drink choices.  I had recently went through some major life changes and gained some weight.  I looked in the mirror one morning, and was not happy with what I saw.  That’s when I decided to do it. I finally had enough.  No more making excuses.  The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do and I knew at that moment I wasn’t who I wanted to be and I knew what I had to do.
It took some adjustment waking up early to work out (cardio) before work and then going again after work, but I got used to it and now I can’t imagine not going. Every time I saw the slightest change in myself, physically and/or mentally, I knew I was getting stronger and healthier, which made me more motivated to keep going.  Disciplines create habits.  Going through this program, I learned to be disciplined.  Now, eating clean and healthy and exercising regularly is a habit for me.
I was introduced to Hitch Fit by my cousin Alyssa Dessert.  I was inspired by her story and her passion for fitness.
This whole process has been a positive learning experience.  Diana was great and always there to answer any questions I had and offer support and encouragement throughout the entire program. Diana and the Hitch Fit program gave me the knowledge and tools I needed to develop a more structured and healthier lifestyle.
I now have a new level of appreciation and passion for fitness and believe my fitness journey has just begun.  I am in maintenance for right now, but am thinking of entering a competition and stepping on stage one of these days.
Ashley’s Program Choice – Hitch Fit Fitness Model Plan

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