Friday, December 16, 2016

Save the Children! Pump Iron?

It's pretty clear that the new generation, especially here in the Western world are poised to be one of the worst as it pertains to health and fitness.
Even though there are hundreds of fitness options available for your child and its pretty universal that your child's school system will not or cannot administer a sound science based program with limited physical education at said schools; we still have the growing epidemic of obesity, diabetes, heart issues and more in part due to a lack of activity geared towards increasing fitness.
It's up to parents, teachers, coaches, community and more to take it upon themselves to change the tide. I would like to offer my contribution in the form of a solid science proven fitness program designed for your child's needs. This Youth Fitness Program will custom designed for your child to meet him/her where she is now physically and slowly and gradually help them get healthier, stronger, and simply functioning like a healthy child should. The best part is I can do it for your family for about 50 cents per day!

Youth Strength Training
Youth Strength Training Programs are designed for overall health and the achievement of a leaner, stronger body. These programs are an excellent first step in helping a young person learn how to lift weights safely. Done correctly, and with adult supervision, weight training can be an excellent form of exercise that, once learned, can provide a lifetime of health benefits.

Throughout the length of the Youth Strength Training Programs, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts. The weights are lighter and the repetitions will be higher for added safety!

As with all the programs, the starting point of the workouts are based on the child's initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the child's unique adaptation process to exercise.

Fine tune the programs to include various exercises that can be matched to equipment at home or in the gym! In addition to strength training, encourage children to participate in their favorite sports for a well rounded fitness program. Have fun and get healthy!

Click here, fill out the fitness profile form, to get started and to see a sample workout.
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