Wednesday, October 19, 2016

These Athletes Always Go For the Trifecta!

Good morning Athletes and Warriors!
It takes a special somebody to take on the Triathlon as a sport and want to be good at it!
The levels of fitness have to be at their highest and on demand and the demands of the sport go beyond the three events.
Whether you are a budding Olympian or want to be the best Triathlete on your block. Let us show you in custom detail how to finish and maybe even win!
Image result for Triathlon animated

The 12-Week Triathlon Programs focus on developing muscular endurance and strength. The program begins with lower weights and higher repetitions to create a solid conditioning base for the muscles. Then, a transition from this conditioning base into strength by using heavier weights and less reps as the weeks progress will occur. It is ideal to take 48 hours of rest between each weight training session. However, if scheduling makes this hard to do then simply choose the Consecutive Day Plan. With these Triathlon Programs, training with any combination of days is easy!

Throughout the length of the Triathlon Programs, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts.

The starting point of the program is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best.

Let's get ready to win! Log on to US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning and fill out the fitness profile form to get started today!

If it's time to get serious about your fitness/strength and conditioning, you need a structured program. I'll tailor a program specific to your goals and abilities, that will contain:

Fully customized workouts, listing: exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Exercise videos and descriptions demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
A built in feedback system and email contact with me anytime.
Using the world's most powerful online training tools I can design and deliver 12-month fitness programs fully customized to your personal fitness goals, abilities, and schedule.
Go to and fill out the contact form to get started. 

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