Sunday, October 30, 2016

James Michener Takes his Body to a Wbff Pro Level Stage with Hitch Fit Competition Prep Progam

The hits just a keep on coming with our friends at Hitchfit!
I have heard some feedback from some of you, while being inspired by these amazing transformations, you have intimated that you may not want to step on stage. That you want a healthier, stronger body.

I am in full agreement with that line of thinking by the way. Keep this in mind; everything we do in the world of fitness now has its roots in the world of bodybuilding. We have many ways to apply those things but the foundational principles are the same.

So enjoy today's transformation and feel free to contact me or click here to chat with one of our Hitchfit trainers today so that soon I will have the honor of hearing all about your amazing transformation.

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I started my fitness journey when I was young something I owe to my parents. They instilled in myself, and my two brothers the importance of Balance in Life. You work hard but include your Faith, Family, Friends and time for ones self doing what you love. I loved Sports, I loved working as hard as I could to develop skills that would make me improve at what ever sport I was playing at the time. I started with soccer at age 4, played every sport available in Elementary school and because of time constraints I could only play Varsity Football, Soccer, Basketball and Track In High School. I was fortunate enough to excel at most of these sports but my passion ended up being football. I had worked hard and it paid off being recruited to some of the top teams in the Country and decided on the Acadia Axemen of Acadia University in Wolfville, Nova Scotia.

This allowed me to continue my fitness Journey and also continue to my dream of being a professional Athlete. I had a great University Career achieving Academic All-Canadian, 2nd Team All-Canadian, and awarded The East vs. West University All-star game MVP. I thought I was on a path to be drafted but unfortunately I was not. The dream of becoming a pro athlete was not going to become a reality or so I thought. It was not until I found the love of my life two years later that my fitness Journey continued. Although, I was done playing football, I continued to train and live a healthy life with a great balance as I was taught as a kid growing up but with no goal in mind just training for life.

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The next phase of my fitness Journey began when my FiancĂ©, Jayne Campbell, called me “husky”. No joke. I was living the Sales professional life selling Medical Devices into Hospitals I was out for dinner every day of the week and put on some unwanted weight bringing my once 190lbs football player frame to a unhealthy 235lbs. and 24% body fat in a very short amount of time. I say that she called me fat but it was 100% needed. I was once always a self-confident man and even though I was still confident I noticed little things I would do to mask my own feelings about my added weight. Jayne Campbell challenged me to train with her for her next show. I accepted the challenge and with 5 short months. I lost 50lbs and won my Pro Card at the Atlantic Canadian WBFF Championship in May of 2012. I did it, I became a professional Athlete and on top of this my life partner achieved this same goal the exact same day.

We took an entire year off of competing realizing we both had a lot of work to do before we made our Pro Debut at the 2013 WBFF World Championship. I was awarded my Pro card in the Male Fitness Model Category but as I trained for my next show realized I would be too large at 6’1 and over 190lbs to fit the look as a Fitness Model. I decided to make the switch to Pro Muscle Model and started to make the transformation. I trained like a football player again lifting heavy weights and eating a lot of Calories. I did not let up all year I pushed harder and harder watching the months pass by. I put on some great weight and had personal bests in my lifting all year long. Like any story when everything is going this well there always has to be a twist.

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My Fiancé and I had a set back in March/April of 2013. Her father passed away suddenly and I quickly lost the balance in my life that I always had. I opened my doors to her family and did everything I could to do to take the pain away from my best friend. I started missing work outs, started missing meals, started getting into some bad habits again but I had to take care of her and her family now my family. We knew we had fallen far from our goals and knew her father would not want our lives to suffer because of his passing. Jayne and I made a commitment to each other to make the right choices and complete our goal of making our pro debut in Las Vegas August 25th. We used her father passing away and all the emotions around this as strength to make it through those tough days. We trained together, we ate together, we did everything we could to push each other through this dark time.

Jayne realized my potential in this sport and she knew who I looked up to more than any other athlete in this industry. Micah Lacerte. She surprised me with hiring him as my coach for the 16-week transformation. I was so touched she would believe in me this much. It was a thank you for getting out of my balanced life and doing everything in my power to protect a broken girl. I was officially a member of Team HitchFit


This started my Journey to my pro debut. I started with Micah at 225lbs and about 16% body fat, 34” waist. I have never been pushed harder in my life. I took every challenge put in front of me and performed with the utmost determination and dedication. I ate more food than I have ever ate, I sprinted up so many hills, I pushed through slight set backs to continue my journey and I did it. Over the 4 months I was with Team HitchFit I continued to loose body fat but not weight. By month three I was only down 10lbs but was down over 7% body fat. I was building muscle while leaning out, almost every Competitors dream. Micah knew that I wanted to bring my best to stage and I would not back down from any challenge he put in front of me. I was able to keep my balanced life and train harder than ever before. I had the best year in sales I have ever had increasing my territory sales from 5 million dollars to over 9 million dollars, I spent time with my friends, my family and, I always had time for my 2 dogs and the love of my life Jayne.

The last month I was elated as I had achieved my goal and barring any injury I would be making my Pro Debut. Although, I was nursing a hamstring tear Micah was able to adapt my workouts to ensure I was still building muscle and burning fat. We flew to Las Vegas Aug 21st and I was provided an opportunity to shoot with a International Fitness Magazine. The first experience like this and it was all because of the work I had put in the past year. I was 210lbs leading into the last week before the competition. That is 25lbs heavier than the year before in 2012. I stepped on stage and had the time of my life. I have never been treated more like a super star, The Red Carpet, the photo-shoots, the interaction with other competitors, and the World Class stage. I was fortunate to be in the situation I was in. I had the time of my life and I cannot wait to do it all over again next year. I was on stage with some of the worlds best and held my own up there for my Pro Debut. I cant thank Micah enough for putting the plan in front of me that if I was able to follow every step I would be in the best shape of my life. I trusted the plan and it worked. I stepped on stage at 207lbs and 4.5%-5% body fat. I have to thank The WBFF for giving me a platform to achieve a life long goal of being a Pro Athlete and to continue to inspire others who have this same goal. My family and friends always supported me and encouraged me to be great and that pushed me through a few tough times. Lastly I have to thank my best friend and soul mate that hired Micah with Team Hitchfit for me and believed that I was one of the best athletes in the world and with out her support I would not have achieved my full potential. Follow along this years Journey and watch the Road to the WBFF World Championships.

James Michener

Wbff Pro Muscle Model

Halifax, Nova Scotia- Canada

James Program Choice-


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