Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Major Setback didnt Hold Sean back from Losing 40lbs (Graphic Picture)

I would tell you to consider closing and deleting this email before reading any further. Today's transformation will eliminate any excuse you could conjure up as to not wanting to workout. Any day!
You have been warned.

Sean Final front

Day 1- 

Weight -195 (at his biggest 215)

Belly Measurement- 38″

Final Stats

Weight -154

Belly- 27.5″

I started my life style change the end of August 2013. Certain things would make me notice the weight I was at. When I would get my hair cut I would look in the mirror and realize I didn’t like the person I was looking at. I started working out a little more than I usually had. I lost a few pounds here and there but not to the extent I was hoping for. I’ve been working out for several years but wasn’t getting any results. I was building muscle but without burning the fat it wasn’t showing. I thought I was doing things right and making better food choices but I wasn’t. Eating out once or twice week, drinking sweet tea, and consuming candy aren’t something you can do if your expecting any kind of change. I guess you can’t have a few margaritas a week and expect to lose any kind of weight :) it wasn’t until I started talking to Micah that I really started to understand my body and what I needed and didn’t need. He taught me what food choices I needed, what was good, what was bad, and everything in between. With that and the workouts he had me follow, he helped me transform my body and life into something I am happy to say I’m proud of. Thank you Micah for everything!

Sean Side

THE SETBACK (9 weeks in)

9 Weeks into his transformation BOOM. While at work a broiler exploded and his body was covered in 2nd and 3rd degree burns. He was hospitalized and could not workout for a few weeks. I remember getting the text from him with the pics and story and simply thinking REST and Recover, happy that he is alive. He responded back with I cannot wait to workout and start eating the way i have been again. He swears he recovered so quickly because of all the sweet potatoes i had him eat :) He didnt let this keep him from reaching his goals, the minute he was cleared to workout again he was back at it.

Untitled-1 copy

Sean back

Picture 321

Seans Program Choice

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