Friday, August 26, 2016

Lose Weight Over 40

You've heard me saying so much about our friends at Hitchfit. I will put the brakes on hyping them any more and let the results speak for themselves. Feel free to log on to theirsite and chat with a trainer today.

Lose Weight Over 40

Fit over 40 Alayne lost 9% body fat at 48!

Lose Weight Over 40 - Alayne is Fit at age 48 with Hitch Fit!

Weight Loss For Women over 40

I am so excited to share today’s Lose Weight Over 40 Success Story Alayne! My gals in their 40’s are just so inspiring. I love it when a client doesn’t realize what they are really capable of until they go through this process. It’s just the best thing in the world to see that Hitch Fit glow on their faces when they have succeeded!

Alayne is friend’s with rock star Hitch Fit Transformation Amy Gipson, who is now one of the Hitch Fit Transformation Trainers here in Kansas City. So she has seen first hand what Hitch Fit can do if you’re ready to make the lifestyle changes. Alayne, like many women in their 40’s, struggled with a gradual weight gain over the years. At 48 years of age, after trying many different things, she started to take a closer look at Hitch Fit. When she was ready to make the commitment, she signed up for the Hitch Fit Online Personal Training Weight Loss Plan “Lose Weight Feel Great”. Alayne’s body started changing as she changed up her eating and started training regularly. Alayne shed 9% body fat, and WOW, take a look at those gorgeous ABS! Amazing!! Her strength and energy levels increased, and this amazing lady achieved more than she realized was possible! Congrats Alayne! So proud of you, what an inspiration you are to all of the women out there who want to be Fit over 40!

Alayne’s Stats:

Starting weight: 140

Ending weight: 128.4

Starting body fat: 26.16%

Ending body fat: 17.36%

Hip Measurement: 40 inches to 36

Waist Measurement: 35 inches to 29

Lose Weight Over 40 - Alayne Lost 9% Body Fat at 48 Years of Age!

Fit over 40 Weight Loss for Women - Alayne lost the weight at age 48 with Hitch Fit Online Personal Training!

Lose Weight After 40 - Before and After Weight Loss Alayne at age 48

Fit over 40 Women - Alayne got six pack abs at age 48!

Alayne’s Story:

“My battle with “weight creep” started in my early 40’s. I tried all methods of exercise and calorie restriction to control it. When this didn’t work, I was convinced it was hormonal and I just needed to get those hormones balanced to get things back to normal, so I started going to all kinds of doctors, having all kinds of tests done to figure out what needed to be fixed. One doctor told me that I could eat any kind of protein I wanted (hot dogs!?!), but that I had to cut out ALL carbs – vegetables and fruits included. The only time I could eat carbs was if I was going to exercise immediately afterwards to burn it off.

There is one time that I remember my weight actually responding to what I did – maybe after some hormone therapy – but otherwise, I felt like I was exercising all the time and/or counting every calorie going into my mouth with no results. Why put out all of this effort with what seemed like no reward? I would quickly get discouraged and give up whatever I was trying at the time. I was trying to do everything myself with no real plan or guidance.

Fast forward to my late 40’s: My weight was at an all‐time high and I had to keep buying new clothes to fit into. I felt uncomfortable in anything fitted and I didn’t like seeing pictures of myself. I knew I wasn’t very overweight, just very uncomfortable, and very much not in control of where my health was going. My cholesterol was high and I was heading towards insulin resistance/pre‐diabetes. I was always tired and very lethargic. I didn’t realize how inactive I actually was.

I started looking into Hitch Fit because a friend of mine had used the program and had fabulous results. As a matter of fact, she is now a personal trainer in their gym now. But even with Amy’s amazing results and incredible support, I was scared to make the commitment to purchasing a program. I’m trying to run a house, work full time and very involved in our church. Where was I going to fit in the exercise?

And although I’m not a very picky eater, the others in my house are. I barely have time to plan and make one meal at night – I did not want to make 2 different meals. I finally decided to give this program the chance I deserved and purchased the onlineLose Weight Feel Great program in February this year.

I found ways to fit the exercise in. I got up earlier each morning to get my cardio finished before work. I have to admit, at first I really struggled with the morning workouts and dreaded them. I am a night owl, not a morning person, and I was so out of shape. I couldn’t increase the resistance on my elliptical or go very fast or for very long. I knew the settings I had previously been able to use, and was nowhere near that any more. It was hard to not let this be discouraging, but I stuck with the plan. Perseverance is so important and I had the right mindset. After a couple of weeks, my body started catching up to my mind and I realized that I had so much more energy on the days that I did my cardio first thing. I started becoming a morning person. I even missed not doing cardio early on days that other responsibilities came first.

I consistently followed my plan, but I was still bit nervous doing my first “check‐in” measurements and pictures after four weeks. The scale weight hadn’t gone down much, so I wasn’t sure if I was really getting anywhere. When I saw the pictures and numbers, though, it gave me the encouragement to stick with the plan. I was down 3% off my starting body fat and could see progress in the pictures!

About 2 months into my plan, my husband and I took a tropical vacation. I decided I needed to try on my summer clothes before the trip to see what I needed to shop for. I was so excited when I pulled out last summer’s shorts and realized there was no way I could wear them anymore – they were WAY too big. I had a whole “new” wardrobe of clothes I had long given up on! Dresses, jeans, sleeveless shirts – so many cute things that I loved wearing again!

The vacation was a little difficult. I kept up with my workouts, but there were many food temptations. I’d like to be able to say I stayed completely with my eating plan, but I do lack some willpower. The good news was that once I cleaned up my eating immediately when we returned, everything got back on track quickly. My body’s ability to burn through calories was increasing. I was resetting my new normal.

Overall, I lost 13 pounds and reduced my body fat from 23 to 17%. I decreased my hips by 4 inches and my waist by 5. I’m no longer uncomfortable in fitted or sleeveless clothes and love the muscles that have developed with the strength exercises. (I laugh as I write that – when chatting online prior to purchasing my plan, Micah “LOL”d me when I said I didn’t want to build muscle, just tone. I know now why he laughed, but you’ve seen the pictures!) Our family recently vacationed in Colorado, and even though running was difficult at the high altitude, I was in shape for all of the hiking and biking activities we did.

Fit over 40 in Kansas City! Alayne got in shape at age 48 with Hitch Fit.

After I completed the Lose Weight Feel Great plan, I purchased a three month maintenance plan. I need the meal advice and I love the exercise guidance so that I don’t get complacent. I have truly altered my approach to foods and eliminated my sweet tooth (okay, maybe just tamed it). Sweets are now a treat rather than a staple in my diet. The most significant thing I realized through this journey is that I am in control of my health and that my age does not dictate my future.”

Women over 40 Weight Loss - Alayne got in shape at age 48 with Hitch Fit Online Personal Training for Women

Lose Weight Over 40 - Alayne lost weight with Hitch Fit at age 48!

Alayne’s Plan Choice – Weight Loss for Women over 40 –Lose Weight Feel Great

Lose Weight Over 40

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