Friday, July 8, 2016

No Easy Days?

United-Games-728x90.pngHere is a guest of Coach Joe who whacks a line drive over the center field fence in handling the varying intensities of your workouts.
Here is a guest article from a coach I respect.

Don't Ask for Easy
by Coach Travis

For many years now there’s something I like to repeat to myself in my head that goes "Don't Ask For Easy"...

I'll do this in times when I might feel sorry for myself, get stressed, or just lose “the edge”. 

We all have those times...

The idea is to refocus in on the things we know we need to be doing but, sometimes look to skip out on. 

We've got a LOT of work that needs to be done while we're here on this earth.

We're all destined to do amazing things in life, but to do these amazing things, we must put in the work.

The main thing that holds most people back from achieving their own greatness is that of "settling in" or accepting the "good enough" type mindset.

If you find yourself falling into that type of attitude where you feel you've achieved it all and there's no higher ground you can achieve or reach, you've doomed yourself. 

It's time to snap out of it.

Hey, I've been there.

But, I've become aware of the endless amount of growth and progress that can be achieved in both training and life which is ultimately what drives me forward the most. 

At the same time, you've got to learn to accept yourself as you are now, in the present. 

You are where you are because of YOU.

You've either put in the work to get to where you want to be or you haven't. 

If you're happy, great.

Keep forging ahead because you can get more. 

If you're unhappy, you have the power to change it all. 

“Don’t Ask For Easy”

What does that mean to me?

Well, it means getting myself out of bed at 4:20am on mornings when I don’t feel like it…

It means doing the extra bits of rowing and running I know (and hate) I need to do in order to get myself better and on to another level athletically…

With nutrition it means “delaying gratification” on cheat foods until the weekends after I know I've earned it over the week with clean eating…

What it means is to putting in the work on the things that you KNOW will make you better than you were the day before.

Doing the HARD stuff.

However, I know good and well in how it’s quite natural for us all to focus on the “easy” stuff or the things that we do well.

But, we’ve got to focus on our weak points.

We’ve got to do the things that force us to step outside our comfort zones.


“Don’t ask for easy”.

ASK yourself what that means to you.


This is a fantastic message that should NOT be ignored.

So, if you can’t do a Barbell Squat, find a coach or someone qualified to teach you how to do it.


Have issues with nutrition and you can’t seem to figure it out? Shoot me a message.

I've got the ability to help you.

We can chat about it and decide what would help you the most.

And if it’s not nutrition, maybe it’s your workouts?

Message me.

I've built a proven system that works when YOU put it to work.

Let's say you feel tight and have issues "moving"?

Focus on daily mobility.

Whatever it may be, just be sure of one thing…

That the next time you start feeling sorry for yourself, come up with some sort of excuse, or look for that “easy” route out, “DON’T ASK For EASY”.

Say it loud and clear to yourself.

Recite it.

See if it changes your mindset from negative to positive. 

My guess is it will. 

If you know someone who is ready to invest in their health, then I am offering a chance of a lifetime with my 20-Minute Discovery Coaching Call.

Train hard,


P.S. Thank you for helping someone else get healthy.

Joseph Arangio
Tactical Workouts for Military and Law Enforcement

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