Sunday, July 17, 2016

How Tennis Players Can Stay Healthy

United-Games-728x90.pngTennis has never waned in popularity in over 100+ years.
Why we would never have such entities as Tennis Elbow, Tennis Knee, Tennis Ankle, etc., if it were not for this dynamic sport.
All kidding aside Tennis is a great sport. Be better trained for it and simply enjoy it that much more!

How Tennis Players Can Stay Healthy
by Joe Eagle

Tennis players are very at risk to getting injured due to the high impact nature of the sport on the body. Professional tennis players are on their toes and bouncing up and down the entire time they are playing. They are often running from side to side or jumping or lunging to get shots which can be very taxing on the joints.

Common injuries for tennis players include: shin splints, tennis elbow, sprained ankles, knee pain, hip pain and shoulder pain. Additionally torn rotator cuffs and sprained fingers and toes can often be injuries that you see in tennis players, Since the power a tennis player gets in their shots comes from their body weight being distributed through their swing of their racket, proper body positioning is critical both for accuracy and for power. When a player is flat footed or not willing to hustle to set themselves up for a shot they are mosre at risk for hitting the ball out or for hitting the ball back with little power or not in an optimal spot.

Tennis players need to be able to be fast so being able to run quickly to get the ball and also have endurance for long matches and sets which are often played in the hot sun. Staying well hydrated and doing plenty of body conditioning stretches and exercises are critical to prevent injury on the tennis courts.

Getting regular massages on their hands, wrists, arms and shoulders help to work out any muscle adhesions. Doing calisthenics, yoga or pilates are ideal for core strength as well as stretching so making sure that these exericses are a part of the players workout are crucial to overall health and wellness. Massage for tennis players or tennis massage therapy can help them stay in great shape.

Before and during a tennis match, it is critical to stay well-hydrated since tennis players are often playing in the hot sun, and there is lots of running around the court. Sun stroke is something that tennis players often get if they do not drink plenty of water during and before their match. Avoid sugary drinks or coffee before or during a tennis match since they can actually dehydrate and denourish you.

Before a tennis game, players should also avoid a heavy meal before a match. If they player is hungry they can have a light snack such as a piece of fruit or a granola bar, but they don't want to eat something loaded with carbs or sugar such as candy or pizza right before they go out and play.

More Information:

Joe is a licensed massage therapist, nationally certified and a member of the American Massage Therapy Association. He is also a certified personal trainer and corrective exercise specialist. In order to provide the highest quality of bodywork services to his clients, Joe continues to enhance his bodywork skills and can be reached at


US Sports Online Strength and Conditioning's Tennis Program:

The Tennis Programs are designed for the person who loves tennis! Whether the goal is simply to get in better shape and reduce injury risk, or to compete at a high level on the court, these programs will get results. All Tennis Programs take into account the specific movements and physical demands required in the game of tennis.

In the constant quest to provide quality workouts there are always variations within each one of the major program goals. These variations are dependent upon how much equipment is available, and how aggressivly training will be.

The "Gym Oriented Tennis Program" requires the use of a fully equipped gym but will help to achieve fitness goals more quickly and in many instances will give the the best performance increases in the game!

The "Dumbbell Oriented Tennis Program" can be done just about anywhere! It is an excellent program for those who want quality physical development and wish to train in the privacy of the home. Training with dumbbells requires more balance and control to perform the required exercises. It also enhances functional strength development for injury prevention.

The "Competitive Tennis Program" was designed with the serious athlete in mind! This workout includes full body Olympic training along with more advanced plyometric exercises for explosive power. This program requires the use of a fully equipped facility.
Click here and fill out the fitness profile form to get started

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