Tuesday, July 12, 2016

[ARTICLE] US Navy SEALs Eating Strategies

United-Games-728x90.pngWhether you are police, fire, military, or law abiding citizen this message is for you! As I have mentioned and you know as a fact that the world is a dangerous place and I believe that physical education will eventually turn into some form of tactical training for all citizens so that we are all prepared to run, hide or fight our way out of danger. With the help of Coach Joe we will do our part. Contact Joe at the links provided to begin your tactical program today!

If you’re serious about protecting and serving our nation and hometowns, you’ll need to take care of yourself first.

That means paying special attention to what you do in between workouts.

In fact, recovery is such an important topic that I dedicated a significant chunk of my tactical training system to this often misunderstood subject.

Today I want to share an overlooked “recovery hack” that’s giving law enforcement professionals and military operators a massive and totally natural shortcut to building tactical muscle.

It’s all revealed in the guest article below, written by Coach Tubbs.


US Navy SEALs Eating Strategies for Success on the Battlefield
Lori Tubbs, MS, RD
U.S. Special Operations

United States Navy SEALs are required to take on many physical, mental, and emotional demands.

These demands make them who they are.

Physical conditioning is just one of the daily requirements that take up much of the early morning hours. The remaining hours of the day are spent developing cognitive skill sets and practices needed to fill this type of warrior’s billet.

An important factor to any tactical operator’s success is recovery. Pushing the body to train for combat missions requires a refueling plan that is effective and accessible; however, the body can be easily neglected due to busy schedules.

It not only affects the next day’s workout, but the long term effects of operational sustainability can suffer significantly and could potentially lead to a life-and-death scenario.

Paying close attention to nutritional habits and making small changes to enhance training can affect a conditioning program and pay high dividends to the tactical operator as well as the entire team.

Intense training is the leading cause of carbohydrate depletion. While carbohydrates are the first consideration that should be taken for re-injecting fuel back into the muscles, protein and healthy fats should not be overlooked.

Consuming meals with all three macronutrients soon after intense training will assist in decreasing the level of the stress hormone cortisol and bringing the growth hormone insulin back into full gear for optimal recovery and nutrient replenishment.

Naval Special Warfare’s SEAL RecoveryMeal is a combination of foods that focus on performance recovery and optimal nutrition. It includes all five food groups and consists of fruit, fruit juice, vegetable juice, nuts, lean protein, dairy, and grains.

While many operators find eating a challenge after hard PT (physical training), 10 oz of 100% fruit juice is available to spike blood sugars and to replenish fluids lost.

The high glycemic nature of this beverage normalizes an appetite so that feeding can take place sooner and accelerate recovery.

Whole grain sports bars with a 4:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein are included in the meal to enhance carbohydrate intake along with adequate amounts of protein for optimal recovery. The whole grain products are also low in saturated fats contain no hydrogenated oils.

Beware when searching for a sports bar, as many bars include coatings or icings. Stay away from products with the word “hydrogenated” on the list of ingredients.

While the first hour is the most important for the recovery of athletes, eating small mixed meals thereafter is also emphasized.

Lowfat yogurts, smoothies and/or chocolate milk are good food choices as they contain quick releasing sugars with proteins that contain small amounts of saturated fat (all animal products will have some saturated fat).

Healthy nuts such as almonds, a small can of tomato juice, and whole fruit are included in the recovery meal as well. Tomato juice serves not only as an important serving of vegetable, but the sodium content provides important electrolyte replenishment that prevents hyponatremia, a condition that causes low blood sodium due to excessive sweat losses or water intoxication.

While protein consumption is more than adequate in this population, the meal also includes a tuna or salmon pack that provides extra protein to an operator’s diet during the workday, but also provides essential fatty acids necessary for heart health.

The success of the program over the past year has surpassed expectations established when the program was launched. Naval

Special Warfare commanders and SEAL operators alike have expressed noticeable differences in maintaining lean body tissue, preventing weight creep and overall improved operational performance.

As research guides trainers and dietitians to assist in enhancing performance in athletes of all forms, practical applications best serve in areas where food is limited and time is at a premium when it comes to warfighters and their nutritional and performance needs.

Recovery meals are enabling our Navy SEALs to maintain the ultimate weapon platform.


If you find this recovery article helpful, please forward to your fellow tactical athletes.

Train hard and stay safe,

Coach Joe

Joseph Arangio
Tactical Workouts for Military and Law Enforcement

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