Friday, July 15, 2016

Amazing Flab to Abs Body Transformation

United-Games-728x90.pngThis might be Hitchfit's most impressive male transformation that I have seen out of our friends there in a while! Great work guys and of course the subject of today's transformation. Lol!

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I’ve been battling with weight issues most of my life. I would find the courage to hit the gym, eat right, train hard, but I would either lose focus or I would hit a plateau and gain the weight back. I suffered from low self esteem and began to developed health concerns because of the weight gain. In 2013 I hit my all time highest weight of 278lbs. I then decided to just put up or shut up and hit the gym no turning back. The thing that worked best for me was I would look at YouTube videos of the pros in the gym and I came across the WBFF organization. I seen the Muscle Model category and began to be intrigued by it. So I started to hit the gym to lose the weight hoping to one day step on stage. In the process (which was a slow process) I learned about AJ Ellison being the Muscle Model Champ so I decided to pick his mind on what it took for him to get where he is today. He immediately recommended Hitch Fit and gave me Micah’s email info and website

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I went to the site and seen the comp prep diet and seen that the criteria was to be at 16% or less bodybfat. I was around 24% so I told myself if I wanted this, this was my first test. Get down to at most 16% and then email Micah and see what he can do for me. So I did. It was a rough time and wasn’t planned right but I dropped the weight. I was eating a low amount of calories and was doing large amounts of cardio. When I spoke to Micah I told him what I did to drop and the first thing he responded with was YOU NEED TO EAT. So he created a diet and workout routine for me. When I started with Micah I weighed 230lbs and was at 16% body fat. After 12 weeks of training I stepped on stage for my first WBFF show weighing in around 185lbs and coming in around 4% body fat. I never looked, or felt better in my LIFE. Self esteem was through the roof. I felt like I could conquer anything set before me. Micah was with me the whole time either speaking through weekly updates or to answer my questions or concerns I had along the way. He never left me in the dark on anything. When I got to Kansas City he and his staff welcomed me as if I was apart of the family. It made stepping on stage a lot easier. I was able to relax and have fun. The hard part was over. I conquered my biggest life task, so stepping on stage was the icing on the cake. I totally recommend Hitch Fit whether its for contest prep, or to have a personal trainer for other fitness goals. Definitely a great expierence.


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