Thursday, May 19, 2016

Fitness Cover Model Body Transformation – Magnum Nutraceuticals President Markus Kaulius’s Amazing Journey

Nate-and-Michelle-Miller-Transformation-1997.jpgWhen you have seen and presided over as many of these kinds of transformations as I have, you can see why I tell you and all of my clients that there is nothing you can't transform. All you do is set your mind to it and make your lifestyle change for a lifetime. With the help of our pals and HitchFit, you will have a complete plan customized to you to get you there. Check out this amazing story below.

Fitness Cover Model Body Transformation – Magnum Nutraceuticals President Markus Kaulius’s Amazing Journey

I Had the Amazing Opportunity in working with Markus.. The guys kicked Major Butt.. Taking his Body from his start point to Fitness Model Cover Shape!!! Check out this Hitch Fit Body Transformation!!

Front Final

My Name is Markus Kaulius and I am the Owner of Magnum Nutraceuticals. As the Ceo of a company, my days are often long, stress Levels and high and time to make and eat proper meals is limited. These are the excuses I have used anytime I wasn’t in good shape, they led me to the “starting” physique you see here. All my Life I have been skinny-fat. When I was 14 years old, I was 6’4” and 120lbs nothing but bones and fat. We didn’t have much money growing up so eggos and slurpies were staples in my diet. I have always found it very hard to put on any muscle and if I gained one pound per year, I was happy. I have been friends with Micah LaCerte and Diana Chaloux- LaCerte for close to a decade and have enormous respect for them both. They carry themselves with professionalism and integrity and I am so proud of them for giving their lives to Christ, as I have. I also know that they do their transformations in a healthy way- not with the use of illegal supplements, crash diets or a cardio schedule only a horse could keep up with. It was for these reasons that I decided, for the first time in my life, to put my workouts and diet into someone else’s hands.

Markus at 15 years old - 120 lbs

Micah and I decided on a two-stage transformation. I went with the Get Big Get Ripped Plan. The first plan was a 4 month muscle builder and the 2nd a cutting plan. Since I consider myself a tough and devoted dude, I asked for his worst workouts and his toughest diet. I was confident that with a huge Magnum stack for supplementing, I would be able to do whatever Micah threw at me. Boy was I an arrogant fool.

The Get Big Portion of the program was the most challenging thing I have ever put my body through. The workouts were so hard and intense that I felt like those were the first real workouts of my life. Food to me was purely fuel- the substances I needed to get me through these training sessions. I took every Magnum Supplement we make excluding Heat our Fat Burner. Micah made it a rule that I had to get stronger every week. My weights had to increase every week. Of the 16 weeks in this phase, I went up in weights 14 times. We took my 232 lb. 15% body fat physique to 256 lbs. and 19.3% body fat, an increase of close to 10 solid pounds of Muscle in 4 months.

We then started the Get Ripped portion of the plan. I was very excited. The next 4 months consisted of way more cardio and the training sessions left me and the gym soaked. There is a video of me dripping all over the place at the gym; I would need to mop up after every session. Luckily I build a gym at the Magnum headquarters, so the number of people offended by my sweating habits was limited. I loved that Micah kept my calories fairly high. Again, there were no low carb days, no carb cycling, no starving myself. I was putting in the hours and my body needed to be fed- we wanted to keep all that hard earned muscle we had just put on.

During this Phase I added Magnum Heat to the Mix and was officially taking every Magnum Supplement. I went from 256 and 19.3% body fat to 220lbs and approx. 7% body fat. I Lost 36 lbs. in 4 months almost all of which was fat!!

I have never felt this good about myself. Not just being Happy with what I see in the mirror , but the experience of working so hard , pushing my body way further than I thought I could and developing a relationship with an inspiring, amazing person in Micah. It is also worth noting that during this whole 8 month process, I was sick zero times ( I didn’t have time to be sick) I am healthier and happier than I have ever been and I owe this to Micah and Team Hitch Fit (and Magnum Nutraceuticals for the supplements that got me through those crazy workouts). I am also thankful to Natural Muscle Magazine who saw the Great Transformation that took Place and decided to put me on the cover of their magazine and feature my transformation.



I am so happy to encourage everyone to work with Hitch Fit. This team will get you incredible results if you follow the plan. Their methods are proven and they do it properly- putting your health first. I am so thankful for everything Micah and the team did and for the results they got me. God Bless you Team Hitch Fit and keep being Awesome.

I also got to share my Story and the Partnership with Hitch Fit on Kctv 5 Better Kc in Kansas City .. Check it out!!

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