Thursday, April 14, 2016

Destruction Of The 'Dad Bod!'

Nate-and-Becky.jpgI only hope the "Dad Bod" fad fades like many others. Sorry to sound politically incorrect, but it is just another fruit on the excuse tree! Humans are designed for maximum performance, health, strength, endurance, and balance. In other words we are designed to be athletic. So in order for out bodies to work with us for many healthy, happy decades to come all Female and in this case, Male humans must do what is necessary to be said healthy and strong.
Sure we come in all shapes, sizes and genetic makeups, but that is not an excuse to not get better. So join with me, and the team atHitchFit To bring about the end to this evil trend of the "Dad Bod" Yuuuuuck!

Dad Bod to Fit in 12 Weeks

Do I have an Awesome Transformation for you!!

Jeremy a Father wanted to get in shape, not only to transform his outside but internally to be more healthy in 12 weeks he Did AMAZING Dropping 20 lbs, 6 1/2 ” off his belly and Over 12%bodyfat Amazing Work!!! Jeremy went from the Dad Bod to Fit.

12 weeks to Ripped12 weeks to Ripped

I have always had some extra fat around the belly and after working out and eating healthy consistently for the past couple of years without seeing results I grew frustrated and finally decided to swallow my pride and ask for help. I knew I did not have time to meet a personnel trainer on a regular basis. I was basically looking for someone that had experience providing plans that got results. I was looking for someone that could provide for me exactly what I needed to do. After researching Hitch Fit, it seemed to fit the mold. Micah made it easy to understand the nutrition, cardio, and strength training plan, and if I had any questions he was quick to respond with the answer.

When I started the program it was about changing the way I looked, but half way through the program it became so much more. It was about pushing myself past my comfort level and seeing what I was capable of doing physically and mentally.


What I learned during my transformation.

  1. You need to be 100% committed and know why you are making this change. You will have moments when you will be tested and if you don’t believe in the reason you decided to sign up then you will have a hard time finishing.
  2. I would invest in a heart rate monitor. Your mind will tell you that you are burning more calories than you really are and the cardio machines in the gym are not accurate.
  3. Make sure you check in with Micah on your check in dates. Take pictures and send them in. Accountability was huge for me and its keeps you motivated when you see the results.
  4. Make sure you only tell people that you know that will support you on your journey. Some people will just not understand and bring you down.
I want to thank Micah for providing the blueprint to change my body and holding me accountable for results. I especially want to thank my wife for not only standing by me but actually motivating me when I started to question myself. She not only gave up Mexican food but she also put up with me when I was tired, grouchy and sometimes unbearable to live with. I want to thank my boys for giving up some of their favorite restaurants as well because they didn’t offer a daddy approved menu, and for being a motivating factor for finishing what I started. Not only did I learn that I could push myself to do more than my mind and body thinks it can, but I learned how much my family will support me in anything and everything I do.

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