Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Get these deadly toxins out of your bed and bath

7 Natural Ways to Outsmart Toxins
in Your Bedroom and Bath

Modern living -- especially in wealthy, developed countries -- is largely based on convenience and comfort rather than what’s good for us. But what we gain from luxuries like body-conforming mattresses and anti-wrinkle clothing could also be putting our health at risk.
Many of us don’t have to wait till we get cancer to find out we’ve made a mistake. The chemicals make us sick now and we have to do something about them. We may be the lucky ones. . .
. . .because most people sail along without being bothered by the chemical wonderland we live in. After decades of exposure, they often get cancer.
If you want to do something about the toxins instead of assuming everything’s all right, then read the following collection of do’s and don’ts for your bedroom and bathroom. By acting now on these tips for navigating hidden dangers in your house, you’ll curb your risk of future health problems.

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