Sunday, April 26, 2015

Drink the “blood” of this plant to beat cancer

Can This “Blood of Plant Life”
Starve Out Cancer?

They may not have had indoor plumbing, but some ancient civilizations got a lot of things right—at least when it came to using food as a medicine to care for your body. Take wheatgrass, for example. You can trace it back 5,000 years to ancient Egypt, where it was used to promote health and vitality. Wheat grass may have even been used in early Mesopotamia.
As far as the Western world goes, wheatgrass didn’t become popular till the 1930s. At that time, it came into the spotlight thanks to the efforts of a fellow named Charles Schnabel (he was acclaimed the “father of wheatgrass” for his labors). Ann Wigmore, founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute and an advocate of the raw food diet, was also a strong supporter.
So today I want to talk about why wheatgrass juice has become such a phenomenon and whether it really can help you treat or prevent cancer.

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