Friday, February 13, 2015

Fox 5 News Featured on Former Bowie State Basketball Player Rasheem King Aired Tonight (2/13) at 6 pm

Please be advised to tune in to Fox 5 News tonight (2/13) tonight at 6 pm as Beth Parker will run a feature on former Bowie State men’s basketball player Rasheem Brooks.

On Saturday, February 14th during the men's basketball game half time a young man by the name of Rasheem King will be recognized.

Rasheem is 24 years old. He played basketball under Coach Brooks back in 2010-2011. He has stage 3 sarcoma cancer. His tumor is baseball sized and in his shoulder. He is currently undergoing simultaneous chemotherapy and radiation treatments. He will eventually have surgery to remove the tumor. He has no parents, no grandparents, no one to care for him. Rasheem cares for himself.

He picks up his own medications. He takes himself to appointments. He cleans up after himself when he gets sick from the chemo. He has cousins who do what they can but caring for a cancer patient is a full time job. One that he does because he has to, if he wants to survive. Rasheem is such a strong, caring, loving young man. He deserves so much better. Once Rasheem BEATS this cancer, he plans to return to Bowie State University to continue his basketball career and finish his degree. Anything you can give to help his battle be any easier, will help him fight. It will help him survive.

If you would like to contribute to Rasheem’s fundraiser click on the following link … ... No contribution is too small and every donation is greatly appreciated.

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