Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Notes On Nutrition And Supplements

Simply use Supplements to enhance and compliment your comprehensive strength and conditioning program. You can take all of the fat burners your want, but if your program is nonexistent, so is your muscle building and fat loss.  -Nate
    • ** When using a thermogenic product (such as Ripped Fuel, Hydroxycut, EPH 833, etc.) to stimulate fat loss, be sure to take in sufficient amounts of protein'at least 20 grams every 3 hours;to prevent your body from cannibalizing muscle tissue. The easiest, most effective way to do this is with a low-fat protein powder or MRP.

    • *** As far as thermogenics or so-called fat-burners are concerned, ephedrine is still the king of the hill, but when you're deciding on your weightloss supplementation program don't overlook hydroxycitric acid (HCA).

      HCA is derived from the tamarind fruit and seems to work by inhibiting excess carbohydrates from being stored as bodyfat. MuscleTech's Hydroxycut is a popular product containing HCA.

    • *** The chemistry of 19-norandrostenedione is telling. Basically, 19-norandrostenedione is structurally identical to a testosterone molecule right up the chain with two key exceptions: first, it is missing the hydrogen atom in the 17th position and second, it also lacks a carbon atom in the 19th position.

      What happens is that when the liver processes the norandrostenedione molecule it adds a hydrogen atom in the 17th position. The liver, however, has no mechanism for adding the carbon atom in the 19th position.

      What results is virtually a testosterone molecule missing the carbon atom. This molecule has the anabolic properties of testosterone (it may in fact have 2 or 3 times the anabolic effect of testosterone) without the level of androgenic side effects typically seen with extended testosterone use.

    • *** If you're looking to drop fat and get lean, you'll benefit from 3-5 cardiovascular training sessions per week. Ideally, each session should be 30-45 minutes in duration.

      For fat burning, it's actually more beneficial to train at a consistent level of intensity throughout the session rather than using some sort of interval training (as with some of the machines which stimulate a series of inclines and declines).

    Its also crucial for you to do your cardio training on an empty stomach'otherwise you'll simply be burning up glycogen stores (sugar rather than fat). First thing in the morning is the best time for cardio training. If this isn't possible, at least try not to eat for 3 or 4 hours prior to your cardio session, that way you'll be primarily burning fat stores.

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