Friday, October 24, 2014

Holiday Calories

Let's face the beast of Holiday Weight Gain Now! Start your program BEFORE The New Year. Click Here and you might be even leaner this Holiday Season -Nate
                        AthletesThe Fat Burning WorkoutPolice, Fire, Military

Q: Sometimes caloric intake goes up during the holidays. What are the best ways to combat the inevitable?
A: You figure it takes an extra 500 calories a day for a week to gain one pound. Try and have some days where you compensate for the days you overeat. During the holiday season you don't have to overeat every day. What people should keep in mind is that they're going to maintain their normal eating pattern during the holiday season but allow themselves a couple of treats a week. You don't have to have this mentality that it's the holiday season so you're going to overeat every day. You have to go into the holidays saying you're going to be in control, sticking with your normal eating pattern. You can even calorie bank.
What I do a couple of times a week is eat a light dinner so I know if I'm going to a party on Friday and Saturday nights, I've saved up some extra calories so I can have a couple of drinks or eat extra treats. Be careful a few days a week and do some extra exercise to help compensate. The main thing is the whole mindset, that you don't give yourself permission to overeat all the time just because it's the holiday season.
We all have bad days, and if you have a couple of bad days in a row, you just have to start fresh. You can't beat yourself up over these indulgences. So many times people have a couple of bad days and they feel totally out of control, and they just keep binging. You need to say, "Okay, I had a couple of bad days, I'll get back on track tomorrow." Overeating a couple of chocolates is not the end of the world, but if you do it everyday then it will be. What's important is forgiving yourself, not beating yourself up, and just starting fresh.
Train Like A Pro!

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