Thursday, October 23, 2014

Dirty Little Chemo Secret Exposed

by Andrew Scholberg

This is the first of two reports about the 2014 Cancer Control Society Convention and Doctors’ Symposium, held over Labor Day weekend at the Sheraton Universal Hotel, Universal City, California
One of the most compelling speakers at the Cancer Control Society’s 2014 Doctors’ Symposium was Dr. Bradford Weeks, M.D., from Clinton, Washington. He spoke on “Inflammation and Cancer.”
Dr. Weeks wasted no time exposing a dirty little secret about chemotherapy: even if chemo shrinks a patient’s tumors, the shrinkage is just about irrelevant to the patient’s survival. This will come as a surprise to a lot of cancer patients who break out the champagne on news their tumor has gotten smaller. You need to know what’s really going on. . .

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