Monday, September 8, 2014

Fat burning smoothie recipe from Hawaii

From our friend,  Diana Keuilian,

This smoothie recipe has a unique ingredient - one that I've never thought to use.
Thanks to my friend, Maureen, creator of Flat Belly Breakthrough, for sharing this refreshing and nutritious smoothie recipe. The unique ingredient? Beet greens!
While I love to steam beet greens with a little sea salt and fresh pepper, this was the first time that I tried them in a smoothie. What a revelation! Nutritious and tasty.
In Maureen's words... "Beets are fantastic. They possess multiple health-building attributes, especially in the second phase of liver detoxification. This is when the liver attaches the nasty toxins it has filtered out of the blood to carrier molecules and ships it out of the body. If you don't have what's needed to carry these poisons out, back into the bloodstream they go. Not good.
The root of the beet isn't the only part that contains helpful nutrients, either. Those bright red stems and deep green leaves hold a vast store of molecules that help with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxification actions. With such a positive profile, what's not to love?"
That certainly has me all jazzed up to enjoy more beet greens, starting of course with this awesome smoothie recipe:
Papaya-Ginger-Beet Smoothie
·      1 cup water
·      1 cup chopped beet stems
·      ½" piece of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
·      1 scoop dairy-free vanilla protein powder
·      1 Tablespoon ground flax seeds
·      1 Tablespoon chia seeds
·      1 Tablespoon coconut oil
·      ½ of a ripe papaya
·      A couple grinds of sea salt
·      Ice cubes and extra water as desired
Add the water, beet stems and ginger to a blender jar and process on high until smooth. Add the rest of the ingredients and blend on high until you have a jar full of fluffy, pink goodness. Enjoy!
Thanks again to Maureen for sharing this delicious recipe! Here's where to find more of Maureen's nutritious and creative recipes.

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