Friday, September 12, 2014

Best over-40 fat loss (for women)

From our friend Diana Keuilian:

As a woman, attempting to lose fat can be one of the most frustrating tasks--and one that evolves as we age. After the age of 40, and beyond, fat loss becomes even more difficult. (So I've heard, I'm still in my early 30's, so I have that to look forward to!)  
These facts were on my mind this past June, when I met a remarkable woman named Maureen, at a fitness conference in San Diego, CA. The first thing that I noticed about her was how incredibly fit and gracefully lean she was, despite being over 50. 
In fact, she seemed to me to have the body of someone 25 years younger than her 53 years! 
We got to chatting, and she told me about her adventures of living in Hawaii and of how she learned late in life how to eat and exercise in a way that gave her the body she'd always wanted. She shared a few of her favorite healthy recipes with me and we bonded over a common love for wholesome, flavorful food.  
Why am I sharing this story with you? Well, recently Maureen reached out to me to share that she had taken her passion for helping women over 40 achieve lean bodies, like hers, by putting together the same blueprint that she had used, so I wanted to share it with you. 
 With this blueprint you won't starve yourself or attempt an insane workout schedule. 
 Just 7 of the great things about this blueprint are:
1.    You will not go hungry
You will get to eat an amazing volume of tasty food (we're not talking about celery sticks here), enjoy your favorite foods, and STILL lose fat 
2.   You will not have to figure out what to eat
You will get 45 pages of real-food recipes to take the guesswork out of eating 
3.   You  will enjoy eating to lose fat
The food actually tastes great (no low-fat cardboard here)! 
4.   You will be in and out of the kitchen quickly
All the recipes are simple, with all-natural ingredients 
5.   You will keep your metabolism hot and feel extra energetic
Not only do these natural foods help you lose fat, they actually increase your metabolism! 
6.   You will never have to wonder how to exercise
The day-by-day, simple body weight exercise guide has photos of every move, so you don't have to wonder what to do or if you're doing it right 
7.   You will re-set your beliefs about yourself
Top-shelf coaching tools will help you create lasting habits so you can banish the words "go on a diet" from your vocabulary 
I'm so excited that Maureen put her passion to work in this fantastic program that is sure to help scores of women, just like her, achieve the results that they desire. Alright, I'm going back to the RHR Kitchen to create a few new recipes to share with you in the coming week :) Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 
Until next time...keep up your healthy cooking and eating! 
Happy Cooking :)
Diana Keuilian 
PS: If you're a woman over the age of 40 struggling with your weight, please check out Maureen's program. She's genuine and passionate about helping other women achieve the same body transformation that she did. And she lives in Hawaii, how cool is that?
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