Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Fat Burning Secrets of Celebrity Personal Trainers

10 Rules of Fat Loss
From the Desk of Joseph Arangio
Founder and CEO
PEAK Strength & Conditioning, LLC
Affiliated with US Sports Strength& Conditioning

I'm Joseph Arangio and I'm glad you took the time to read this.
Since 1996, I've been sharing the benefits of smart workouts, portion-controlled eating, managing stress, having a winning mindset, and getting enough sleep.
Technically, I've been interested in this stuff since middle school when my dad introduced me to exercise as a way to get in shape for athletics.
Nowadays my company does a few things in the health and fitness industry...
...and we'd love to help you in any way possible.

If it's time to get serious about your fitness program, you need a
structured program tailored to your goals and abilities.

Using the world's most powerful online training tool, I can design
and deliver a 12-week fitness program fully customized to your personal
fitness goals, abilities, and time constraints. Features include:
Fully customized exercises, sets, reps and weights.
Videos demonstrating proper technique for every exercise.
Routines utilizing equipment available to you — home or gym!
Personal contact with me anytime via built-in email system.
Integrated feedback loop for precise program monitoring.
For more information about my background fee structure and how to get
started, click here
Personal Trainers: Train More Clients, Make More, Have More Freedom

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