Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Exercise- It's Never Too Late: The Strong-For-Life Program


By I.S.S.A.
OBJECTIVES: This investigation determined whether an in-home resistance training program achieved health benefits in older adults with disabilities.
METHODS: A randomized controlled trial compared the effects of assigning 215 older persons to either a home-based resistance exercise training group or a waiting list control group. Assessments were conducted at baseline and at 3 and 6 months following randomization. The program consisted of videotaped exercise routines performed with elastic bands of varying thickness.
RESULTS: High rates of exercise adherence were achieved, with 89% of the recommended exercise sessions performed over 6 months. Relative to controls, subjects who participated in the program achieved statistically significant lower extremity strength improvements of 6% to 12%, a 20% improvement in tandem gait, and a 15% to 18% reduction in physical and overall disability at the 6-month follow-up. No adverse health effects were encountered.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide important evidence that home-based resistance exercise programs designed for older persons with disabilities hold promise as an effective public health strategy.
At US Sports Strength and Conditioning we have an excellent menu of home-based workouts to help you get leaner and stronger year round:
Home Based Workouts

The Home Workout Programs are great for those who wish to train in the privacy of their own home with little or no required equipment! There are 2 categories of workouts - "Dumbbell Oriented" and "No Equipment". All of these workouts can be done at home, and they are designed for overall health and the achievement of a leaner, stronger body.

Select a Program

Dumbbell Oriented Workouts
The Dumbbell Oriented Programs are great for those who wish to train at home with minimal equipment! ...
No Equipment Workouts
The No Equipment Home Workout Programs are great for those who wish to train at home with no requi...

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