Saturday, April 26, 2014

Prostate Cancer Killed 7 Buddies But One Man Escaped

This Vietnam Vet
Watched 7 Friends Die
of Prostate Cancer…
Then he discovered an
all-natural secret to beat it
— and it saved his life!
The same breakthrough
can save you,
your prostate—and your
sex drive—from a
surgeon’s knife!
Effectiveness confirmed by
an independent researcher
hired by M.D. Andersen
Cancer Center – yet you
won’t hear about it from
your doctor!
     Dear Friend,
     Imagine watching seven of your friends die from prostate cancer and then wondering if you’re going to be the next one facing a death sentence…
     That’s exactly what happened to John S.
     Guys he served with in Vietnam suddenly started dropping like flies from prostate cancer. Seven men from his platoon died of the dreaded disease. And many of them were only in their 50’s!
     Some experts say it’s because soldiers in Vietnam were exposed to high levels of Agent Orange, a toxic jungle defoliant.
     In 2002 John thought his number was up, just like his 7 buddies before him.
     A biopsy of John’s prostate showed 10 out of 12 tissue samples were full of cancer. His Gleason Scores, which show how aggressive the cancer is, were a high 6 and 7.  In his own words…
“I was advised that even with surgery and radiation,
I would need a miracle to survive”
     John got a second opinion and then a third one.  Every doctor told him there was no hope.  But the doctors were wrong. (As you’ll see, they often are when it comes to prostate cancer.) There WAS hope.
     Eighteen months later, John called family and friends with great news: “My ‘terminal’ prostate tumor is shrinking!”
     That’s unheard of with advanced prostate cancer when it’s treated with surgery, radiation or chemotherapy. But John didn’t use any of the treatments his conventional doctors recommended. He figured, why go through hell just to die anyway – the same as 7 of his army buddies?

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