Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Summer Shape Up? Transform!

The weather is getting warmer in much of the World and that means that certain joy that the Spring season can bring. It can also bring with it the realization that your exercise program is not working. That your New Year's resolution fizzled out once again.
Don't beat yourself up as it is not your fault. Today's fitness culture is wrought with simply too much information. Too many 'quick fixes' that don't work.
In order to change your body, you have to change your mind about your program. First it takes a great plan, customized to your goals, abilities, and schedule. That is precisely what I have been doing for over 15 years now and I am sharing one of our most effective programs with you right now. Enter the Get Lean Body Transformation System:
The Get Lean Body Transformation System

Throughout the length of the Get Lean Body Transformation System, the manipulation of the sets and repetitions for each exercise will be based on periodization concepts that involve changing the intensity and the volume of the workouts . This variation provides a more consistent "programmed response" to exercise which will help to avoid those depressing plateau's in progress.

The starting point of the program is based on an initial fitness level. With feedback, the actual progression of the program will follow the body's unique adaptation process to exercise. Fine tune the program to include all the exercises that feel the best!

Ladies and Gents just want to be Healthy, Strong, and Beautiful! Introducing the only program in the world geared toward men and women who are tired of all of the hype and want a lean and strong sexy body and a healthy lifestyle permanently! 24 weeks of a customized, strength, cardiovascular, and nutrition program that will help you burn fat, build strong and lean sexy muscle, and most of all help you live healthier and happier than you could imagine!  Lifetime access to the program and features. So don't delay get the GetLean Online BodyTransformation system today!
5 Day Get Lean Body Transformation System 
View a Sample Workout of this Program:
Week 1 - Day 2 (Tuesday) of The Get Lean Body Transformation ProgramWeek Difficulty: Medium
  View Printer Friendly Version

Click on an Exercise Name to view a description of that exercise
SelectExercise NameSet and Rep Combinations
Warmup and Stretch
8 minutes 
Bodyweight One Leg Toe Press
54 reps,54 reps 
Dumbbell Plie Squat
20 reps @ 30 lbs,15 reps @ 30 lbs,
12 reps @ 30 lbs  
Bent Leg Knee Ups from Bench
11 reps,11 reps 
Dumbbell Step Up
20 reps @ 15 lbs,15 reps @ 15 lbs,
12 reps @ 15 lbs  
Machine Leg Curl
20 reps @ 35 lbs,15 reps @ 40 lbs 
Feet Elevated Crunches
19 reps,19 reps 
Bodyweight One Leg Toe Press
54 reps,54 reps 
Side Lying Inner Thigh Leg Lifts
60 reps,60 reps 
Don't Delay Summer's Not Going to Wait! Click here and start transforming your body today!

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