Sunday, March 16, 2014

A cancer treatment from the bees

Cancer Defeated Publications

Cancer May be No Match for
The Bee’s “Liquid Gold!”

Sweet, sticky honey has been known to have healing properties for thousands of years.
In fact, Hippocrates even wrote about the ‘liquid gold’ when he said that “honey causes heat, cleans sores and ulcers, softens hard ulcers of the lips and heals carbuncles and running sores.”
Even though ancient civilizations might not have known why this was so, they could see that honey was effective. As Yogi Berra reportedly said, “You can observe a lot just by watching.”
Now we have a clue as to why honey works. Modern science has revealed that when bees take nectar from flowering plants, they add an enzyme to it that produces hydrogen peroxide. This is part of what gives honey such astounding healing properties.
But there’s one type of honey that’s particularly effective – or at least it’s been studied and validated more than other varieties. And the evidence suggests it can be a weapon against cancer. Here’s the type of honey you want to get. . .
Continued below…

How Carolyn Reversed
Her Alzheimer’s by
Disobeying Her Doctor
    An all-natural protein melts away the brain-clogging mineral that triggers memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s — and cuts brain cell death in half! And yet this Nobel Prize-winning discovery is being ignored by 99% of doctors.
    That’s why I’d like to tell you about Carolyn.
    If you or someone you care about is suffering from memory loss, dementia or Alzheimer’s, then you know how cruel these diseases can be. The emotional and physical toll they take on the patient — as well as on the entire family — can be devastating.
    That’s why the news of the breakthroughs I’m about to reveal could literally have a life-changing effect on you.
    Best of all, these solutions are available and being used successfully right now — even while most doctors still throw up their hands when it comes to memory loss, dementia and Alzheimer’s, using words like “hopeless” and “irreversible.” It’s hard to believe, I know. . .

The honey produced from the manuka or tea tree has racked up an impressive track record. This flowering plant from New Zealand and southeast Australia produces a honey with awesome antibiotic properties.
And some scientists are convinced that it can even put the brakes on cancerous growths.
Study suggests manuka honey is a
promising cancer killer!
A group of researchers from the United Arab Emirates University in Al Ain conducted a study that shows manuka honey contains properties that can block tumor growth in the breasts, colon, and skin.
According to study results published in the PLOS ONE scientific journal, Professor Basel Al Ramadi, head of the Microbiology and Immunology Department at UAE University, led a research team to determine the extent of manuka honey's ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
The team learned that this type of honey directly caused apoptosis or programmed cell death!
Your body uses apoptosis to balance the creation of new cells with the demise of older ones. It’s essential to your health to keep these two processes in balance, for two main reasons:
  1. Excessive apoptosis will cause your tissues to atrophy, and
  2. Insufficient apoptosis leads to uncontrolled cell growth, similar to what happens when a person has cancer.
The UAE University research suggests that manuka honey helps eliminate cancer cells by bringing on apoptosis.
Manuka honey has amazing
antibacterial properties, too!
Scrubbing cancer cells from your body isn’t the only health benefit of this sweet syrup. Recent tests conducted at Sydney University's School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences showed that manuka honey killed every type of bacteria tested.
Scientists from the University of Ottawa, and Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario, Ottawa achieved similar results when testing honey against pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA) and staphylococcus aureus (SA).
The Canadian group conducted in vitro (i.e. lab culture) testing of honey against these strains of bacteria. They found the honey to be effective in killing 100 percent of the isolates in their planktonic form. And when the germs were made into biofilms, the manuka honey killed 63 percent of the PA bacteria and 91 percent of the SA. (A biofilm is a group of microorganisms that stick to one another on a surface. Planktonic cells, by contrast, exist individually, each by itself.)
The researchers said these rates were significantly higher than those achieved when using antibiotic drugs against staphyloccus bacteria.
Sounds wild, but I remember reading some 30 years ago that honey is a highly effective wound dressing because it kills microbes. And, as I mentioned before, our ancestors knew this before the time of Christ.
So the recent scientific findings simply echo what ancient civilizations already knew about the healing properties of honey. Manuka honey takes no prisoners when it comes up against:
  1. Helicobacter pylori- which causes most stomach ulcers
  2. Escherichia coli - the culprit behind most infected wounds
  3. Streptococcus pyogenes - which causes sore throats
What’s more, manuka honey is also being touted as a marvelous all-purpose medicine that can help:
  • Heal superficial burns
  • Cover and heal surgical wounds, particularly for diabetic patients
  • Soothe inflammation
  • Treat leg ulcers, pressure sores and wounds from skin cancers
How do you use this all-purpose honey healer?
There’s no special method or preparation you need in order to use honey. You can apply manuka honey directly to your skin as a balm for infections, or to soothe insect bites and cuts.
And you most certainly can swallow a spoonful or mix it with some tea to help soothe your throat and digestive tract.
Because manuka honey is a food, you can eat it the way you would any other honey product and enjoy the health benefits!
With all this positive press... you might be wondering if there’s any downside to using manuka honey. Well, ease your mind because no earth shattering revelations are coming your way!
There are no known side effects of active manuka honey when used internally, unless you are allergic to honey (as some people are). But there are some reasonable warnings and cautions.
It should be no surprise that diabetics might need to avoid or limit their intake of honey because of the high sugar content.
And you shouldn’t give honey to children under 12 months old (I’m guessing this is because of the potential for allergic reactions). You should also know that active manuka honey has stronger properties than regular manuka honey.
“Active” manuka honey contains an additional, non-peroxide component known as methyl glyoxal. Scientists don’t know why, but this element is not found in all manuka honey, only in some. When present, it makes the honey vastly more powerful at fighting bacteria.
So powerful, in fact, that researchers have devised a special rating system for manuka honey based on a batch’s “unique manuka factor” or UMF. It’s used as a marker to determine the honey’s therapeutic value.
At times, active manuka honey applied directly on an external wound can sting. If you find this to be true in your case, simply use regular manuka honey instead.
Regardless of how you may choose to use the honey—you can be sure that you’ll be tapping into one of Nature’s sweetest health healers!
In our last issue we talked about how you can save thousands of dollars a year on fresh organic foods – and the ones we recommend are packed with more nutrients than those you’ve been buying in food markets. If you missed this tip, you can read it now just below this.

30x the Nutrients of Organic Vegetables…
Why Do So Few Take Advantage of
This Amazing Food Bargain?

One of the most often cited reasons for poor eating is the cost of fresh produce, especially organic produce. I confess it gives me sticker shock, and I don’t know how anyone who’s not in the “one percent” can afford a pure diet of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.
But there IS a way to do it on the cheap…to eat fresh, organic “super foods” every day for pennies. Do this and you will flood your body with more bioavailable vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fatty acids than you’ll get from anything you buy in a store.
Keep reading and I’ll unveil this secret that’s worth thousands of dollars a year – and added years to your life!
Continued below…
Turn Back Your Skin’s Aging Clock 
By repairing your skin’s DNA, you can soften your skin and erase wrinkles, tighten up your sagging jaw line, make your crow’s feet disappear, and banish sun and aging spots.
This Nobel Prize winning secret makes it possible.
Your “telomeres” determine how long your skin cells live. Telomeres are the “time keepers” attached to every strand of DNA. Each time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. The shorter your telomeres, the more your skin cells age… causing dry and wrinkled skin. Maintain the length of your telomeres, your skin will stay supple, radiant, and youthful.
Dr. Sears’ Revive DNA Rejuvenation Cream turns back your skin’s aging clock and helps you show a younger face to the world.

The most affordable, healthy organic foods on the planet are far fresher than you could ever purchase in a grocery store! I’m talking about sprouts. They can be grown anywhere, even on your kitchen countertop.
When you grow your own sprouts – and don’t worry, it’s brain-dead simple – you’re helping the environment, because the food doesn’t have to be trucked thousands of miles, or shipped by air from Latin America during the winter. And of course there’s no need for herbicides or pesticides on your kitchen produce.
Most of the plant foods you eat begin their life as sprouts. “Sprouting” is simply the way the seed cracks open for the first time.
Because the nutrients and antioxidants in a seed are so incredibly concentrated, they pack a real wallop of nutrition.
9 reasons to eat sprouts
Consider adding sprouts to your diet, for these nine reasons.
  1. Sprouts may contain up to 100 times more enzymes than raw fruits and vegetables. Enzymes catalyze your body’s various functions. And getting these additional enzymes gives you the building blocks available for every bodily process to work more effectively. (For the full story on enzymes, see my Special Report The Missing Ingredient for Good Health.)
  2. Increased fiber. Fiber is critical to weight loss and colon health. It binds to fats and toxins to give them their marching orders out of your body. It also prevents or slows down the absorption of digested food from your intestine into your bloodstream, thereby preventing blood sugar spikes and also giving you a feeling of fullness, so you eat less.
  3. Improved quality. Proteins change and get a boost from the soaking and sprouting process.
  4. Huge nutritional boost. The overall vitamin content of some seeds and nuts increases by up to 20 times their original value with just a few days of sprouting. This is especially true for vitamins A, B-complex, C, and E. For example, mung beansprouts (often called just beansprouts) boost vitamin B1 by 285%, vitamin B2 by 515% and niacin by 256%.
  5. A rich dose of essential fatty acids. EFA levels increase during sprouting...
  6. More minerals, more bioavailable. Boost your calcium, magnesium, and other minerals for better body chemistry that promotes proper weight and better health.
  7. Energy is ignited through soaking and sprouting.
  8. Alkalizing. Many illnesses, including cancer, are correlated with an acidic body.
  9. Ridiculously inexpensive! The most budget-friendly health food on earth. Mere pennies per serving.
Before we get into how simple it is to grow sprouts, consider these additional benefits of sprouts.
Why a raw sprout-based diet, anyway?
Eating sprouts directly benefits your health, and allows you to eat the freshest, cheapest, most nutritional food.
  1. Your immune system benefits. The Hippocrates Health Institute and Tufts University did a joint study to see how raw food affected the immune systems of healthy disease-free people. They found that the more cooked food a person eats – as a percentage of their total food intake -- the weaker the immune system becomes. Look at the table below. If roughly two-thirds of your diet is cooked foods, your immune system may be off by half compared to its peak performance. And I’d venture a guess that very few Americans eat a diet that’s less than two-thirds cooked foods. Meaning, all of us are immune-system-compromised.
  2. Raw Food Intake as percentage of total diet
    Cooked Food Intake as percentage of total diet
    Immune System Function Lost
    No Loss
    17% Loss
    50% Loss
  3. Hormonal benefits. Studies show that people may be able to break down the hormones in sprouts and turn them into usable human hormones. Men and women both seem to be able to use these phytonutrients exactly the way they need to, without developing the characteristics of the other gender. This is relevant because some authorities are concerned that phytoestrogens found in plants may act like human estrogen in our bodies, leading to an excess of these hormones.
  4. Best of all nutrients. Phytonutrients – nutrients derived from plants -- are the best nutrients scientists have identified. And sprouts are much richer sources of phytonutrients than fully-formed adult plants are. As such, they are among the most potent disease fighters you can get. And which type of sprout is the best? Glad you asked. . .
The most cancer-protective sprout of all
Broccoli sprouts have decided advantages over mature broccoli.
Johns Hopkins scientists found that three-day old broccoli sprouts consistently packed 20 to 50 times the chemo-protective compounds found in mature broccoli heads.
When you eat a sprout, you’re eating the entire plant at a very young age. That is, you eat the root, stem, and head in one concentrated little package.
As the plant sucks water and grows, the cancer-protective compounds called sulforaphanes (part of a group called glucosinolates) are diluted. They’re still there, in roughly the same amount. But now instead of merely eating a sprouted seed to get them, you have to eat the entire plant!
When you buy broccoli at the store, you’re buying just a portion of the whole plant. Glucosinolates were left in the ground (the root), others are in the leaves you discarded, and others were removed when the stem was cut off (many people just eat the florets).
You might be wondering, why not just eat the seed before it even sprouts? Well you could… but sprouts are far more tasty, nutritious and easier to digest. Non-sprouted broccoli seeds taste terrible!
Sprouted broccoli seed may also offer a simple dietary means of reducing prostate and colon cancer risk.
Plus, they may bolster your defense against heart disease, stroke, and high cholesterol, while at the same time they support your eye health, lung health, and immune system. When eaten during pregnancy, they may provide children with life-long protection from cardiovascular disease.
That’s a lot of benefit from a humble seed and its pennies-per-serving sprouts.
Store-bought organic produce has a dark side
If all this isn’t enough to convince you to try sprouting, consider the reality of the organic foods your grocer carries.
By the time you buy your organic produce, it’s likely been refrigerated for days, weeks, or even longer. Farms store it before shipment, and it travels for days to arrive at your store, where it’s stored yet again. By the time you get it, it may have lost its freshness.
Most phytonutrients are inactive after about three weeks. Vitamins reportedly decline to a fraction of their original levels. The plant hormones may no longer be viable, and enzymes no longer active.
Your organic produce is massively compromised by the time it reaches you. A farmer’s market is a better choice, but why not grow your own and eat them at their peak of freshness?
Eating organic does lower your toxic load from pesticides. But you’re still losing the freshness you could have if you grew your own sprouts.
So why not earmark some of your current produce budget to buy seeds you can sprout at home?
How to grow your own sprouts
So, are you ready to embark on this new and exciting, yet simple, adventure in eating? You just need a little basic equipment and some seeds.
You can get canning jar lids and sprout your seeds in a canning jar. It’s the cheapest way to get started, but drainage is a real problem.
An 8x10 tray two-section stackable sprouter such as the Sprout Master ( is a much easier way to go. They cost about $20 each, and come with tray, drain tray and cover. For greater variety and rotation, buy two trays. We have no affiliation with this provider.
This is your only investment for most sprouts, besides your organic seeds. While broccoli is loaded with amazing benefits, it’s wise to consume a wide variety, for interest and nutrition. Try broccoli, alfalfa, radish, cabbage, peas, beans, and lentils.
For tiny seeds like alfalfa, four tablespoons of seed will make a full 8x10 tray full, enough for one or two people for a few days. A tray of organic sprouts costs about $1.00 to $1.50, depending on your seed type and source… a far cry from a $6 plastic tub of organic greens.
And growing them is simple!
  1. Select your seeds and soak in water for 10-12 hours in a bowl. Allow for a 300% expansion.
  2. Pour the soaked seeds into the drainable tray, and spray them gently to even them out.
  3. Rinse and drain, morning and evening to keep seeds moist.
  4. Sprout with the lid on. In hot climates, use a warm, damp cloth without lid for better airflow. Keep sprouter out of direct sunlight. Sprouts grow best at 75 to 80 degrees.
  5. Taste in three or four days. When you like the taste, leave them uncovered but out of direct sunlight to develop greenness.
  6. Refrigerate to stop growth. Tray units with lid/tray make excellent crispers.
  7. Scrub tray thoroughly before reusing.
Sprouting times vary according to type of seed.
Sprouts are an extremely cost-effective way to get your fill of vitamins, minerals and enzymes.
They’re far cheaper than high-quality supplements or organic vegetables from 2,000 miles away. Eating them may be the safest and best way of getting outlandishly fresh produce with no risk of contamination.
And who knows? Besides their load of vitamins, you may find yourself able to shed a few pounds too. Why not give it a try?
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Alandejani, T. et al. 2009. Effectiveness of honey on Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery. Available at
Godiyal, S. 2013. Can manuka honey prevent cancer? Natural News. Article available at
Moczulski, J.P. 2007. Honey making a medical comeback. NBC News. Article available at
The Alternative Daily. 2014, Jan. 17. Manuka Honey – 200x More Germ Fighting Power Than Any Other Honey. Article available at

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Cancer Defeated Publications

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