Sunday, February 9, 2014

This Christmas plant contains a cancer secret

The Cancer Secret Hidden in
This Well-Known Christmas Plant

It’s banned in the U.S. and Australia, but in Germany it’s a recognized treatment that’s covered by the national health plan.
This potent cancer remedy was used by former President Ronald Reagan to treat his cancer when he was in office. He went on to live another 19 years. Suzanne Somers used it, too, and mentions it in her book Knockout: Interviews with Doctors Who are Curing Cancer.
But it dates back much farther than either Reagan or Somers. The ancient Druids and Greeks considered it a cure-all for many medical problems.
However, you probably associate it with kissing during the Christmas season. Keep reading and I’ll tell you what it can do. . .
Continued below…

The Best Cancer Treatment on Earth
Just Got Better!
    Hi. I’m Lee Euler, the editor of Cancer Defeated. On a recent tour of top cancer clinics with my colleague Andrew Scholberg, we learned about some remarkable new cancer treatments. In spite of all the information we already knew, these treatments were brand new to us. They’re important discoveries.
  • A maverick doctor cured his last four “terminal” brain cancer patients, using laser blood therapy developed to keep Russian cosmonauts healthy in space. That’s right: four out of four patients got well.
  • Several of the doctors we interviewed told us about a new cure for prostate cancer. It takes only one week — and no surgery or drugs are required. If I had prostate cancer, this treatment would absolutely be my first choice. It gets rid of enlarged prostate too – totally, in just one week!
  • A painless treatment for liver cancer has cured more than 300 patients. When it first came to light decades ago, the New York Times reported that this revolutionary procedure may have “solved the cancer problem”! Yet it disappeared and conventional doctors don’t know about it. Now it’s been rediscovered at one of the top clinics we visited, and it’s working cancer miracles. You need to know about the handful of maverick doctors who offer it.

Chances are high that if you’ve ever even heard about mistletoe extractin the U.S., it’s been labeled “quackery”. The FDA hasn’t deemed it fit for approval, and they’re the last word on everything, right?
Whatever you may hear from the bigots and scam artists who run our medical system, mistletoe is a powerful medicinal plant, used to treat many things. But it’s especially deadly on cancer tumors.
Doctors in Germany treat more than 50% of their cancer patients with mistletoe.
While Germans may get insurance coverage for it, Americans who travel to German clinics for mistletoe and other treatments pay just pennies on the dollar compared to American cancer protocols. And they often come back healthier and live full, rich lives after surviving their bout with cancer.
Proven by 3,000 studies the FDA ignores
More than 3,000 studies conducted from 1985 to 2006 back up mistletoe’s claims. Most recently…
A University of Adelaide study in Australia compared the effectiveness of three types of mistletoe extract on colon cancer when used in combination with chemotherapy. They also compared mistletoe by itself to chemotherapy.
It turns out that the mistletoe extract called Fraxini, obtained from ash trees, was highly effective against colon cancer cells. It was also kinder and gentler to healthy intestinal cells than chemotherapy was.
But here’s the real kicker… They also found that Fraxini was morepotent than chemotherapy. It reduced the viability of cancer cells when used by itself. And it improved chemo’s potency against cancer cells when the two were used in combination.
Of the three mistletoe extracts tested, Fraxini was the least toxic to healthy cells. That’s important, because toxins are to blame for chemo’s most severe side effects.
Cancer patients survive 40% longer!
A 2002 German study followed 10,000 people who used the mistletoe extract with brand name Iscador. They suffered from colon, rectal, stomach, and breast cancers. The patients treated with Iscador survived 40% longer, on average, than did patients in the control group.
This large study seems enough to settle any questions about the efficacy of mistletoe extract.
No wonder Iscador is the most commonly used oncological “drug” in Germany, though it’s considered a complementary cancer therapy.
Recent studies show it also helps in cases of ovarian and pancreatic cancer. And an 8-year study of 800 colon cancer patients found that patients treated with Iscador had fewer side effects, more relief from symptoms, and were more likely to survive disease-free than patients in the control group.
These brain cancer patients
survived twice as long
In a German study of late-stage brain cancer patients, half received mistletoe, and the other half received only conventional treatments for three months. The mistletoe group lived on average twice as long as the conventional therapy group. And this was at a 50-month follow-up checkpoint.i
Just so you’re clear on how remarkable these results are, late-stage colon cancer is virtually a death sentence in the United States. A doubling of survival time should rightly be seen as a miracle.
And yet, critics in the U.S. consider these studies either too small or improperly designed.
Head for Germany!
All the German doctors we interviewed for our Special Report German Cancer Breakthrough

 use mistletoe to kiss cancer cells goodbye. Perhaps it’s not too surprising that mistletoe therapy is so widely used in Germany, since it was the distinguished German, Dr. Rudolph Steiner, who first proposed its use as a cancer treatment nearly a century ago.
His countryman, the German physician Samuel Hahnemann and founder of homeopathy, inspired Dr. Steiner with his “like cures like” principle.
Steiner theorized that cancer and mistletoe were both parasitic growths that eventually kill their hosts. So maybe mistletoe extract could improve immune function and cure cancer.
Today, if you go to most any German cancer clinic, chances are nearly 100% that you’ll be treated with mistletoe extract. Mistletoe is to the German doctors what laetrile is to alternative cancer doctors in Mexico.
And these German clinics boast a very high success rate. Mistletoe has made true believers of many who’ve escaped the grip of cut-poison-burn protocols to enjoy a longer life, and a supremely better quality of life.
Besides the many celebrities, doctors, and even FDA officials who have headed for Germany and gained a new lease on life, there are others who have made it their new mission in life to spread the news. Take Ivelisse Page, for example.
Cancer survivors really believe in mistletoe – shouldn’t you?
After Ivelisse Page’s personal cancer experience, she formed a non-profit agency called Believe Big that helps cancer patients and their families. Believe Big aims to inform people about the value of alternative and complementary approaches.
Five years ago, this 37-year old mother of four was diagnosed with Stage 4 colon cancer that had spread to her liver. Her 2-year survival chances were a mere 8%.
After surgery, she decided against destroying everything in her body for such a poor chance of survival, and opted for mistletoe treatment instead. Today she’s a slim, thriving, vibrant woman.
And she’s a pivotal force in fund-raising for the first phase of a three-phase mistletoe trial in the U.S. To date, her non-profit has raised $100,000 of the $300,000 funding needed for the first phase.
Though the mistletoe protocol is barely known in the U.S., her doctor, Peter Hinderberger, is well versed in the treatment, gained by his experience working at a Swiss cancer center in the 1970s.
He’s one of just two doctors in Baltimore, and about 50 total in the entire U.S., who are allowed to prescribe mistletoe in certain cases.
Ms. Page is the link, the connector, between Hinderberger and researcher Dr. Luis Diaz at Hopkins’ Kimmel Cancer Center, who is conducting this mistletoe trial. Page’s hope is that mistletoe will become the standard of care in the U.S. If you’re a cancer patient, you might try getting in on the clinical trial.
But a better option might be to go where the treatment is already legal and accepted. . .
Don’t wait till you’re at death’s door
Mistletoe has a lot of science to commend it as a cancer cell killer -- and as a life enhancement measure. Which you focus on may depend how much of a role you choose to hand over to allopathic medical practitioners.
If you want more information on our Special Report German Cancer Breakthrough, you can get more details here. It’s a piece of cake to get mistletoe therapy at the German clinics we recommend, along with many other valuable therapies – including one of my favorites, hyperthermia (if you don’t know what hyperthermia is, click on the link.)
Mistletoe, like so many other plants, can give back the life you had planned for your future. And Germany is without a doubt one of the best places to get it.

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