Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Greatest Cancer Prevention Formula?

A Great Cancer-Prevention Formula

You’ve heard me talk quite a bit about the importance of using a wide variety of foods and supplements to help you prevent cancer – because even though there are dozens of proven approaches for battling cancer and optimizing health, there’s no single magic bullet.
But at least, now, I’m glad to see the next best thing. Keep reading and I’ll tell you about it. . .
Continued below…

Oliver was doomed to die from cancer
within 8 hours --
But then he found out what to do. . .
    Oliver had reached the end of the road in his seven-year fight against cancer. His doctors didn’t think this 32-year-old man would live through the night.
But when I talked to Oliver six years later, he was the picture of health! He got rid of his cancer completely.
Yes, Oliver found the answer — his own cancer miracle.
I sat down with him and his doctor and they told me an incredible story. . . a story that could help save you or someone you love from this dreaded disease.
If you’d like to hear it, click here now.


This recently introduced supplement is all natural, based on academic research, and available without a prescription. It’s called NEGDATM, and appears to be effective in preventing most of the common cancers—breast, pancreatic, prostate, and colorectal included.
The makers, of course, would never call it a cancer-prevention formula. The regulatory authorities won’t permit them to do that. But as a mere journalist protected by the First Amendment (for as long as it lasts. . .) I can speak the plain truth.
A blend of some of the
most reliable cancer-fighting elements
Each of the ingredients that make up the NEGDA supplement is backed by research that shows it has merit in cancer prevention. Most appealing to me is the 100 percent natural turmeric extract.
I’ve mentioned turmeric’s benefits before, along with curcumin, an extract from the turmeric root (curcumin is not related to cumin, by the way—that’s a spice made from the seeds of a different plant). Turmeric and curcumin extract both have anti-inflammatory properties and potent antioxidant properties. Curcumin in particular can reduce pain and cellular deterioration.
Overall, turmeric is a terrific anti-inflammatory herb that’s an excellent replacement for NSAIDs. I take the extract, curcumin, every day, and I’m convinced it’s the reason I’ve been able to decrease my use of ibuprofen when the rare sinus headache hits. The only side effect I know of is that it may stimulate bowel movements in some people.
The company behind the NEGDA supplement has a patent pending for its enhanced bioavailable form of turmeric, called BCM-95®. In fact, it’s said to be seven to eight times more bioavailable than existing turmeric extracts, and its efficacy has been confirmed by human clinical trials.
Another NEGDA ingredient is ginger, in the form of a blend between ginger root and ginger extract. Along with being a well-known alternative way to soothe nausea, ginger has quite a few phenolic compounds which display anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity.
Green tea extract is also part of the NEGDA blend, which you may well know has terrific antioxidant properties. We just wrote about green tea a week ago in Issue #359.
Green tea also has polyphenols that are known to inhibit the growth and metastasis of cancer. These polyphenols scavenge the body for free radicals and act as antioxidants. Plus, it’s believed they react with enzymes responsible for cellular replication and tumor angiogenesis.
Most scientists believe the benefits of green tea come from something called epigallocatechin-3-gallate, or EGCG, an antioxidant with a documented ability to enhance the body’s metabolism. The green tea extract used in NEGDA is made up of more than 45 percent EGCG.
I frequently start the morning with a cup of green tea, but the truth is you need a lot of cups of tea to achieve a clinical dose of EGCG – as many as five to ten! That’s why a supplement such as NEGDA is a much more convenient way to take green tea.
A final ingredient in the basic NEGDA blend is Vitamin D3, which is something I strongly believe few of us ever get enough of. This particular vitamin plays a crucial role in helping your body absorb both calcium and phosphorous, which translates to strong bones and teeth.
Vitamin D3 also supports immune, breast, colon, and pancreatic health. A NEGDA capsule contains 1800 iu of vitamin D3. This may sound like a large dose to people who haven’t caught up with the revolutionary discoveries about D3, but in fact it’s quite modest. I take more than 4,000 iu daily, as directed by my doctor. 1800 iu should be quite safe.
One other note on the ingredients—there’s a men’s and a women’s formula. The difference is that the men’s formula has 25 percent more green tea extract as well as some pomegranate extract. Pomegranate extract -- known to fight free radicals and oxidation – in addition contains 40 percent ellagic acid (a natural phenol antioxidant). But most importantly for men, pomegranate extract is known to support prostate health. I take a big dose of pomegranate extract every day.
The group behind it all
NEGDA boasts other features you may find attractive. It’s vegetarian, and all the ingredients are regarded as safe under FDA guidelines, though the product itself has not been evaluated by the FDA. The NEGDA website also states that the product is manufactured in the U.S., which lends some credence to the quality of the ingredients. There are doubts about the quality of some China-sourced supplements.
A long list of qualified scientific advisors stands behind NEGDA. Each one carries either a PhD or MD, or both, and they hail from a mix of cancer research centers including M.D. Anderson in Houston, the Cancer Institute at Emory University, and various international universities.
The biggest draw:
Convenience in a supplement
The biggest advantage as I see it is that all the individual ingredients in NEGDA are known to play important roles in cancer prevention, so it’s convenient to have them all in one formula. At the least, it’ll save you hassle since you won’t need to buy each ingredient separately. At the most, it’ll act as a superior prevention formula that helps you stay healthy.
Is NEGDA all you need to prevent cancer? Of course not. There are dozens of different foods and supplements that can help – and some, such as sugar or foods containing MSG, that can slash your cancer risk provided you never go near them. But NEGDA is a nice mix of some of the best anti-cancer remedies, in one pill, and for a price that seems reasonable to me.
If you’re interested, you can learn more at They have offered Cancer Defeated readers a ten percent discount if you enter 03448 in the box on their order form that says “Enter Your Discount Code.”
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