Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Breast surgeon sees the light, embraces alternatives

Cancer Defeated Publications

Why This Breast Surgeon Changed Her Stance
About What Causes Cancer

How YOU Can Radically Slash
Your Risk of Becoming a Victim

She was trained as a board-certified breast surgeon – performing breast reconstructive surgeries on women who’d had full mastectomies from breast cancer. And she was a spokesperson for the American Cancer Society and fought for insurance coverage for breast reconstructive surgeries.
At one time she firmly believed there was no known cause – and no known cure – for breast cancer.
Then it struck her mother… a person who’d religiously followed all conventional advice… never missing an annual mammogram and regularly examining her own breasts. Her mother’s cancer was caught “early” by American standards, was less than 1 cm, and had not spread to her lymph nodes. Here’s what happened, and how it radically changed this surgeon’s mind about cancer. . .
Continued below…

Wipe Out 20 Years of Aging in 6 Months?
July 1990: Medical College of Wisconsin researchers revealed they found a way to reverse up to 20 years of aging in just 6 months – in a group of men as old as 81.
They lost 14.4% of their body fat... gained 8.8% lean body mass… their skin thickened... and their bone density increased. And it was backed up, peer reviewed, and published in one of the world’s most respected medical journals. 
Find out why this anti-aging miracle sat on the shelf for 22 years… Plus how you can get all details on how to ramp up your body’s production of this age-reversing compound all on your own – without a doctor. These long-held secrets are now out in the open. But for how long?

In theory, this surgeon’s mother shouldn’t have died…but five years later, she did.
And that started a radical shift in Dr. Christine Horner’s thinking. Especially when she noticed that the women coming to her for surgery were ever younger. She began to search for a reason why.
From there, she discovered many things women could do to avoid being stalked and hunted down by this killer. She quit her practice and wrote a comprehensive book detailing her discoveries.
Her book, Waking the Warrior Goddess, tells the story of her transformative “breakthroughs” and her shift to an understanding of natural ways to be well.
In it, she creates a 30-step program (in chapter 29) that you can start by yourself or with other “warrior goddesses” for new control of your life and health. And let me say right now that most of her 30 steps will reduce the risk of ANY kind of cancer for ANYONE, woman or man.
Many of these potent strategies can singlehandedly lower your breast cancer risk. Combine a bunch of them, and you may be able to slash your risk to near zero.
Who this savage killer is…
Breast cancer is a voracious killer willing to stalk any woman out of her teens. But like a lion on the savannah, its preferred targets are “slow easy targets”.The disease prefers older women with junk food diets, who carry around extra flab, and have suffered a major emotional trauma.
It’s even better if the prospect drinks a lot of alcohol, stays up half the night, works the night shift, and thinks organic fruits and vegetables are a waste of money. Thriving on stress, hating exercise, and burning the candle at both ends all add fuel to the fire. Again – let me stress that the same is true for other types of cancer.
Dr. Horner’s book will teach you how to become as unattractive to this monster as possible. She wants you to know you are FAR from powerless...
You can radically lower your risk, and improve your chances of survival even if you already have cancer.
Start with one thing…
Dr. Horner urges you to start with just one thing, and then add another every day, week, or month, until you’re implementing all 30 points in her plan.
Grab a friend or a group and make the journey together. The program is easy and stress-free, and with a friend by your side it’s even better. If you have teenage daughters, invite them to join in, too.
As the Chinese proverb says, “Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still.”
She prefers to call her plan 30 “customs”, rather than points or steps, emphasizing that every new thing you add will lower your risk of this dreaded disease.
Here are 12 from her list of 30:
  1. Eat fresh, organically grown fruits and vegetables every day, including cruciferous veggies such as broccoli and cabbage at least three to four times per week. Women who eat the most cruciferous vegetables have a 40% lower breast cancer risk. A major part of Nature’s anticancer pharmacy, they contain phytochemicals, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins. Check out your local farmer’s market, health food store, or national chains like Whole Foods and Sprouts. Also CSA’s (Community Sponsored Agriculture), which are basically co-ops that sell locally grown foods. If you enjoy gardening, grow some of your own food organically. The “organic” part of this equation is especially important, as many pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides cause cancer. And these days, genetically modified organisms are also a potential wild card for your health.
  2. Eat organic whole grains and seeds every day. Whole grains are conspicuously absent from the traditional American diet. But that doesn’t mean YOU should skip them. Realize that each plant contains its own blend of unique “medicines”. Be creative and have fun!
  3. Avoid health-destroying fats. Eat only those that promote your health – raw nuts, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, macadamia nut oil, omega-3 fatty acids. And avoid anything with trans-fatty acids. Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and gamma linolenic acid (BLA) are two other healthy fats that help you sidestep cancer. They’re rare in foods, so must be taken in supplement form.
  4. Eat two to three tablespoons of flaxseeds every day. Research shows that flaxseeds are one of the most powerful medicinal foods you can eat. Make sure they’re organically grown. Grind them in a coffee grinder and sprinkle on vegetables and salads, add to smoothies, include as a grain in muffins, or take in supplement form.
  5. Eat exotic Asian food like maitake mushrooms often. They’ve been part of Japanese medicine for thousands of years, and contain an army of therapeutic weapons against breast cancer. Maitake mushrooms stop tumor growth, make tumors shrink, and prevent them from spreading. They stimulate your immune system. When women with Stage 2 to 4 breast cancer were given maitake mushrooms, 68.8% of their tumors shrank. Eat them as a gourmet food, or take as a supplement.
  6. Drink green tea every day. Eight to 10 cups a day can lower your risk of breast cancer. And may extend your life if you already have cancer. Sip throughout the day, and it may not be so hard to drink that much. It can also be taken in supplement form if you dislike the taste or get too wired from the caffeine. (Green tea has much less caffeine than do black tea or coffee, but eight to ten cups is still a lot by my standards. Personally, I think the supplements are the most practical way to get the amount Dr. Horner recommends.)
  7. Consume turmeric every day. It’s extraordinary for fighting breast (and other) cancers. In fact, it’s considered the #1 anticancer spice. It inhibits cancer several ways… especially blocking the cancer-promoting action of the inflammatory COX-2 enzyme. It can be used as a spice, or taken as a supplement. Turmeric and green tea enhance each other’s anticancer effects. If you decide to take it as a supplement, look for curcumin, the concentrated extract of turmeric’s active ingredient.
  8. Avoid sugar. It’s a potent poison. Use stevia instead. Cancer loves sugar; it’s the preferred food of tumors. And it causes your insulin levels to spike, leading you straight to breast cancer, diabetes, and obesity. High insulin levels can increase your breast cancer risk by up to 283%.
  9. Lower your body fat. Obesity is linked to 20 to 30 percent of all postmenopausal breast cancers. Fat cells produce estrogen, especially after menopause. Environmental toxins are linked to obesity… they disrupt your normal weight-control signaling. (Another reason to eat organic foods. And I might add that monosodium glutamate – MSG – likewise leads to obesity. This additive – under many different names – is found in most processed foods.)
  10. Strictly limit your alcohol intake. F. Scott Fitzgerald once wisely said, “First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.” Even one alcoholic drink per day can be risky if you’re low in folate. So if you take a glass a day, also take a folic acid supplement to reduce your risk. Never regularly indulge in two or more alcoholic drinks per day. Alcohol boosts your levels of estrogen and prolactin, and both stimulate cell division in your breasts that can turn into cancer.
  11. Throw out your toxic cleaning materials and cooking pans. Manufacturers are not required to list harmful chemicals, even though most products contain them. There’s an effective non-toxic alternative to replace every toxic cleaner. Also watch out for other home toxins – in furnishings, construction materials, dry cleaning, personal care products, lawn and garden products, and more… If you live in a new home, it’s likely the building materials will give off high levels of gases – “outgassing” -- so it’s a good idea to buy a good air filter. Outgassing levels are much lower in older homes. Certain houseplants can absorb toxins, so put a few in each room. And keep the temperature cooler to lower outgassing.
  12. “Early to bed, early to rise…” An Irish proverb states, “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.” Go to bed by 10:00 pm, and be up by 6:00 am. You’ll be following Nature’s rhythms, letting your body claim its highest surge of melatonin, which is hugely protective against breast cancer. For the other 18 action steps, consult Christine’s book, Waking the Warrior Goddess.
Final thoughts about this book…
Do I completely agree with everything Dr. Horner says? No. I think she’s wrong about a few things, including her soy recommendations.
And while most Americans could afford to decrease their protein, I don’t necessarily think ALL meat is bad. Some organic chicken, and even moderate amounts of grass fed beef, are thought to be healthy and are certainly hormone-free.
But you can be sure that eating conventional factory-farmed animals that were fed fattening (and GMO) corn and injected with a slew of drugs will be bad for your health.
Most doctors have absolutely no idea how to create extraordinary health. Do these things, and you’ll be way ahead of them. These steps could save your life.
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