Saturday, October 19, 2013

Heal prostate cancer with junk food?

"This is incredible!
How come nothing has ever been done about this before?"

said one researcher from
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Dear Friend,
If you've ever known someone with prostate cancer then you know it's a terrible disease. And you also know that the treatments can be nearly as bad—or even worse—than the cancer...
The painful biopsies. Often followed by invasive surgery and its life-changing side effects: dribbling, lost sexual function and uncontrollable urination can leave you in diapers and steal your manhood forever. Toxic radiation and aggressive chemotherapy can chip away at your physical strength until you can hardly stand without help.
Even after all this a man can still die a slow, painful death from prostate cancer. Perhaps this tragedy has happened to someone you care about.
If so, then you'll be glad to hear this happy news...
A small number of pioneering physicians around the country are spearheading a revolution in new and better prostate cancer treatment.
And their medical discoveries are transforming prostate cancer and its detection and treatment into a safer, faster, more comfortable healing experience.
Best of all, their mostly natural solutions are healing men just as well if notdramatically better than the old dangerous treatments like radiation and chemo. Because they're even healing advanced cases of prostate cancer. Cases so bad that most doctors shake their heads and say "there's no hope" or "it's only a matter of time."
That's exactly what John's doctor said to him.

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